Saturday, May 15, 2010


Pamela Geller of Stop Islamization of America with Lou Comunale

It's not politics as usual. It's spiritual warfare as usual.

What may first appear to be only a simple little news item, can actually carry great weight in the spirit and allow an open door for the enemy to do great damage to this nation.

Case in point.

A Muslim group, called the Cordoba Institute, has initiated plans to build a 13-story mosque near Ground Zero, where Muslim fanatics flew planes into the World Trade Center destroying it totally.

The Cordoba Institute's founder, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, is insisting that this mega-mosque and cultural center is needed to bring tolerance and understanding between America and Muslims.

They plan on dedicating the mosque on Sept 11, 2011 -- on the tenth anniversary of 9/11!

Can anything be more inappropriate or humiliating to America, to allow Muslims this in-your-face victory against this nation. First they destroy our buildings which represented our financial institutions, then they build a mosque there (they occupy!).

Imams have a history of saying one thing and doing another. Their Koran speaks approvingly of lying as a means to gain inroads and control. And this Imam has stated categorically that 1) the US bears responsibility for the Muslim 9/11 attack; 2) attacks will continue until the US changes its ways; 3) the US needs to "understand" the position of the terrorists.

Fat chance that this cultural center will bring understanding between Muslims and the US.

Christians you are the salt and the light of THIS world. Your voice matters and your participation is paramount to stand against the assaults upon our culture. Yet too often we've let our isolation from the world insulate us from the growing threat upon our freedoms and upon our faith.

We've stood idly by and become jaded to the gradual erosion of righteousness in the land for the past 50 years. But it's happening on our watch.

And I believe that this nation is at a major crossroads right now, and this planned mosque is the tipping point between whether we as a nation return to our Judeo-Christian heritage or lose control all together. I will explain this as we go further.

Let me first put this into a spiritual context for you now and try to counter the mindset that says Christians should never get involved in what goes on in this world, politically or culturally.

I want to show you how your involvement here (not only in opposing this particular mosque but to generally being aware and involved in what's going on in the world), is spiritual in nature.

So, please follow me as I lay out the groundwork.

We Christians have come to know how Satan operates against us in our lives. If we are living in sin, Satan is given the right to torment us in that area. So the sin that we've only begun to allow in our lives soon becomes harder and harder to deal with. It becomes a escalating problem, so that Satan's occupation becomes more and more intensified until it becomes a stronghold. And once there's a stronghold, it's much harder to overcome the sin because now you need deliverance.

This is why Jesus said for us to "sin not." Unforgiven sin gives Satan access to our lives.

Sometimes Satan occupies in areas of unhealed emotional hurt and pain. That can become his entry point as well.

In the same way that Satan operates in man, he operates in the nations. He seeks places where sin is tolerated, whether it's within governmental leaders, organizations, corrupt laws, or localities.

San Francisco, with its tolerance towards immoral sexual behavior, is a city stronghold.

Las Vegas, with its tolerance towards gambling, is a city stronghold.

The Roe V Wade court ruling, which allowed close to 50 million abortions since 1973, is a national stronghold, and a national disgrace.

The State of Arizona is now attempting to overcome a stronghold. Governor Jan Brewer has signed a ruling aimed at cracking down on illegal immigration, which has been responsible for crime sprees and drug trafficking for decades. In doing so, Governor Brewer is unknowingly attempting to reverse a fixed stronghold in the state that allowed the crossing of our border by illegals and potential terrorists.

And, just like strongholds in humans, demons tend to band together to fight the deliverance. Have you seen organizations and cities fighting against Arizona with boycotts? I thought this was the UNITED States? Why cities would side with illegals over a sister state is beyond me and is politics at its worst -- a desire to cater to illegals for future votes.

The situation in Arizona has sparked great debate throughout the land. Thankfully there are some states that want to emulate Arizona's new ruling -- that's great.

But make no mistake: Arizona is enduring a titanic, spiritual struggle to overcome a stronghold, and by extension so is the nation. The state is at the tipping point towards freedom and the rule of law, or a return to the abyss. Arizona needs your prayers and your support (by the way, the Grand Canyon is a great place to travel to this year!).

Now let's go back to the proposed mosque at Ground Zero. Islamic fanatics destroyed the World Trade Center and attempt to erect a mega-mosque at its site. Think of it in spiritual terms. What does this imply to you?

Using Satan's methods of strongholds, the mosque is an entry point to attach itself upon an emotional wound in the United States. It symbolically signifies Muslim conquest and occupation over our soil and humiliates us as well.

Just like Satan tries to do.

This would be a resounding victory for all of Islam. And I would just hate to think that Ground Zero becomes a holy area for Muslims, who would come and worship there, cheering America's impotence in the hands of Muslim invaders.

Friends, this is a Christian nation! And we can't let that happen!

If it did, I'd hate to think about the religious implications of where this nation ends up. That's why I say we're at the tipping point. That's why I say it's not politics as usual, it's spiritual warfare as usual.

Let's not allow that to happen. Let's get involved. Let's do something. Let us fervently pray for the reversal of this planned invasion and stronghold. If that's all you can do -- great! But if you want to do more, you can!

You can call the Mayor's office and explain why you oppose the mosque being built at Ground Zero. 1-212-NEW YORK (or within NYC, call 311). Emails can be sent to the Financial Group at

There is a group called the Stop Islamization of America (link here) that will be holding two events to oppose the mega-mosque.

On May 25, there will be a Financial Board meeting to vote on the proposal (12 members of the board had previously approved the plan, but now it goes to the entire board). The board does not have any legal authority to implement anything, however it will be a showcase for the Imam. The press will be there and we need to send a signal of opposition to the Imam, the press and the world.

It'll be at 6:00 PM, at the Three Legged Dog Art and Technology Center, 80 Greenwich Street (at Rector Street), Lower Manhattan. (see link here).

On June 6, there will be a rally at Ground Zero, specific location to be announced. Updates can be found at

Let us take a stand for righteousness in the land and may all you do for the Lord be blessed.

Below is a debate over the mosque between Pamela Geller of Stop Islamization of Islam and Michael Ghouse of the Muslim American Congress.

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