Sunday, January 25, 2009

"'AVE ANOTHER RUN, GUV'NOR" I know why I'm called Light's because I haven't been writing much.

Okay, then, let's talk about Sarah Palin -- our favorite presidential candidate to be -- and the media.

Having worked at major news organizations since the 1980s, I see right through the liberal-elitist bias. And it's getting more perverse and distorted each year that passes, to the point that it reflects the prophetic word about the end times when "good will be evil spoken of" and "wrong is right."

Conservative champion Alaska Governor Sarah Palin came out swinging recently as she positioned herself for a future run. She went after, and rightly so, the relentless unfair media bias against her and her family.

I think it's a shrewd move, since the media is not capable of judging itself. Plus, for Palin to have a shot at 2012, she has to confront the media head on. This is a great positioning tool for a future run. Above is a segment from a forthcoming documentary MEDIA MALPRACTICE.

By the way, why do you suppose that Gov Palin received such vitriolic unwarranted, unethical and biased reporting? -- actually it wasn't even reporting, it was attacks! The answer is that she's an articulate conservative that talks to the people, in the fashion of President Ronald Reagan. The liberal press disdains those that can articulate conservatism. And everyone of them, from Reagan to Palin to Newt, is targeted with unfair criticism.

I really believe that a Spirit-filled person in the White House has only been delayed for one term.

Monday, January 12, 2009


I'm really excited to report that my nephew Chris Comunale and his wife Layne (shown above) had their first baby. As soon as they found out that Layne was pregnant, they both prayed nightly that the baby would be healthy and happy.

Since August 24, 2008, when lovely Lola made her grand entrance, she has not only been healthy but is in continual state of JOY!

This child can always be found laughing, giggling, smiling regardless if it's two in the afternoon or four in the morning -- ask Layne; she oughta know.

But thank God that He hears even our slightest prayers because of His love for us.

All we have to do is ... ask!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

2009 PROPHETIC WORD: Clear Water Revival

Matt's latest prophetic word is about the pure revival to come in the land: where people turn to the Lord in worship. Regardless of the conditions of the nation, world or government, revival will come!

Friday, January 9, 2009


The Christian world suffered a sad blow tonight as the angels of God escorted Jill Austin to heaven at 9:48 pm, cst. She was a vibrant, loving Christian champion who exuded love and ushered in the glory of God whenever she ministered.

With her family surrounding her, Jill Austin drew her last breath while still clamped to life support system following two major surgeries this past week. You can read the initial report with details of her condition from this blog here.

No one understands why a mighty woman of God could be taken so young. But sometimes a death occurs so that life can sprout out in other places. For instance, one of the most outstanding things I've seen this past week was a resurgence of love and unity within the body of believers. Many Christian leaders and whole ministries joined together in brotherly love and concern to pray and intercede for this woman of God. Christian websites and, even, Facebook was abuzz this week with news updates about Jill's health. The Christian body of believers was galvanized this week toward unity and love and prayer.

Jill Austin, author of the book Dancing with Destiny, traveled extensively for over 25 years as a national and international conference speaker, ministering the Gospel with signs and wonders following. She had a powerful prophetic anointing which released the fire of the Holy Spirit, bringing fresh passion and hunger for Jesus Christ.

While working as an award-winning professional potter, Jill founded Master Potter Ministries over 25 years ago. A dimension of Master Potter Ministries was to train and equip believers to move in the anointing and prophetic gifting.

Jill's partnership with the Holy Spirit and her love for the Word often brought spiritual breakthroughs, ushering in realms of the manifest presence of God. Ministering to leaders as well as the broader Body of Christ, Jill delivered prophetic words releasing impartation and unlocking destiny in individuals, churches, and cities.

Jill was scheduled to participate at the MSM New Year Prophetic Glory Conference on Long Island, NY, next weekend. She will be sorely missed. However, Matt says that at the conference they will be praying for the prophetic mantle that was upon her to be released to those gathered.

I will always remember how gracious Jill was when I met her at past Matt Sorger Conferences. She had the freewheeling attitude of a 60's surfer with a teenager's heart of unfeigned love. She was tireless in her ministry, devoted, caring and giving.

Well done, good and faithful servant.

Matt Sorger had written his own tribute to Jill on Facebook here.


Latest sad update on Jill Austin is that she's been on total life support all day. Jill's sister was expected to arrive tonight from California to be with her sister at the hospital in Missouri.

The plan may be to end life support tonight at midnight, eastern standard time.


As of noon today, EST, latest news is that Jill Austin is on total life support. Her kidneys have failed. Blood pressure is falling. She was given more pain medication, as she thrashed about overnight.

But there is no let up in prayer. Jill's sister is traveling from California to be at her side. Prophet James Goll is scheduled to be at her bedside this afternoon.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Jill Austin, prophetic speaker, author and founder of Master Potter Ministries, is critically ill following two surgeries at a Missouri hospital. The next 24 hours are crucial if she is to recover.
Urgent prayer is asked on her behalf -- she needs a miracle!

It began earlier in the week, when Jill had been throwing up repeatedly for 36 hours. When she was rushed to the hospital, doctors found that her intestines were twisted, cutting off her blood supply: afterwhich infection set in.

Doctors told Jill that if she wasn't in surgery within 24 hours, she'd be gone. She immediately went in for surgery on Wednesday and was kept in intensive care.

Apparently a drug used to aid her blood pressure began attacking her organs. A second emergency operation was conducted earlier today and the doctors found that the organs became infected with gangrene.

The speculation is that Jill had an anaphyalactic reaction (severe allergic reaction) to the hypertensive medicine, which began shutting down her vital organs. Doctors subsequently began removing portions of her stomach, intestines and colon.

This mighty and faithful woman of God is definitely in need of a major, creative, all-out miracle. The next 24 hours are crucial for her if she is to survive.

Should everything progress positively, she will still be in need of a colon. Plus, she will also be rushed to one of two major hospitals for further surgery.

As of 12:30 AM, EST, worship leader Julie Meyer has left the hospital and is reporting that the doctors have sedated Jill so that she will sleep soundly. Shara Lee Pradhan, aide to Heidi Baker, was in the hospital tonight, soaking Jill in "How Great Is Our God!"

Please keep her in prayer. She is definitely now in the Master Potter's hands.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


The beginning of the year is a time when we often set up New Year's Resolutions. If I had a chance to encourage you to do something brilliant and helpful this year, something that would enrich your spiritual life, this would be it: Start journaling in a computer program how God is moving in your life day by day this year. My preference is Microsoft Word, but any program will do.

I have written yearly journals of all the things that God has been showing me since the year 2000. If I hadn't, I might have completely forgotten what God had told me or forgotten what lessons I'd learned. Every prophetic word I'd received, every trial that I've gone through that God delivered me from, every dream from the Lord, every direction I'd received from the Holy Spirit goes into the journal.

Since God always shares with us His vision in piecemeal fashion (a little here, then a little there), it's imperative that we write down what God has been trying to say to us at the time that He tells us. And, because it's in a computer program and not handwritten into a book, I can easily search and locate any word or subject in seconds and get all of what the Lord has been telling me over the course of the year.

I know there are some of you who are romantics and like to journal into a book. Don't! It's time to get with the times and go computer. There's an ease and convenience in having your journal in a computer file, from which you can easily fix mistakes and make updates. Then too you can simply copy and paste portions of the journal into an email to encourage a friend or quickly print out a segment to peruse and study.

Or, you can gather all the items of any topic and group them together at a glance.

I can't tell you how many times that if I didn't journal a prophetic dream that I had, I would not have remembered it. During the course of the year, it's always good to peruse the journal for enlightenment as to what God is doing and saying in your life.

Then at the end of the year, you can print out your journal, place a cover on it and voila! you've got a bound copy of your 2009 journal.

At the end of the year, you can tell me how how much you want to thank me.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Immediately after midnight New Year's Eve, we waited on the Lord.

"Waiting on the Lord" is an almost forgotten key in drawing closer to the Lord and hearing His heart regarding your life. Simply put, you put yourself simply before Him. You have worship music on. You pray in the Spirit. You listen. And then you ... wait. Wait for the Lord to begin speaking to you.

Here's what my friend Matt Sorger got this night:

I call you sons. I call you daughters.

For you longed to know my ways and you've longed to know my heart. This is the place where you learn my ways. This is the place where you know my heart.

There’s a washing that happens in this place. It's a washing off of things that keep you from me, that hold you back. I draw you close to Me.

My plan is greater than the plan the enemy has for you. My work in you is a glorious work and I’ll bring it to completion.

I call you my own. You don’t belong to the world, you belong to Me. My ways are higher, My thoughts are higher. You’ve been distracted by many things. Lay it all at My feet tonight.

Return to the secret place. I will crown you with My glory. This is where I want you to live – close to My heart, close to My heart, close to My heart!

You were created to live close to My heart. There’s freedom in My presence.

The Holy Spirit says I am fighting for all of you tonight. For the enemy has sought to take you out. Know that this very night I am raising up a standard for you. I’m fighting for all of you. There’s a new day ahead for you. Old things need to be let go of, released, walked away from.

There’s a new day I’m bringing you to – a day of great release, power and surrender. But you need to let go of things. Will you let go? As you let go you’ll find that I have more for you. You have not reached the highest place yet. Will you let go of the things I want you to? If you release them, there’s more for you. I’m waiting for your obedience. I'm waiting for your full surrender. There’s more that I have for you. There’s a walk I’ve called you to walk. It’s a different walk. It’s not a path that a lot of people go on – few will go on it.

Tonight I call you to go up higher – but the higher you go, the narrower the path becomes. There are few who desire to walk on this path. But I have a higher path for you. There’s more that I want to show you and give you. The narrower the path, the tighter the restrictions, but I have placed them there for a reason. The narrower the path, the firmer the foundation of your feet. The more secure footing you’ll have. There are some that have desired to come close to Me, but they have drawn back because they thought the price was too great. Some came close, but have drawn back. I’ve showed you this mountain before. The higher you go, the less you can take with you. The higher you go, the less you can take with you. Are you willing to surrender? Are you willing to obey Me even when it’s hard. Obedience is not easy. There’s a wrestling that goes on inside you – a wrestling of your will with My will. There’s a place where you can go – it’s called surrender. It’s called obedience. But within your hands I will place a great anointing – greater than you’ve ever experienced up till now. For you will be my surrendered vessels, My obedient vessels, My instruments.

{Incidentally, just before this exchange from the Lord, one among our group saw a large angel in the room, wearing a helmet, breastplate and sword. This would fall in line with what the Lord said about "fighting for you."}