Sunday, May 3, 2009

MS Boy Walks!

How wonderful! I can't wait to see more and more of these miracles happening! Yes, we're in the day and age when God's power for healing and miracles is going to be so prevalent and so compelling that it will take the breath away from the athiests.

If they have a shred of honesty in them, they will be rendered speechless and repent.

We're going to be able to catch these miracles on video. And, working on behalf of Matt Sorger Ministries, I hope to get powerful, miraculous miracles for our TV show POWER FOR LIFE (seen on God TV, Monday mornings at 8:30 am, est.

Now, the minister you see here is Dave Roberson. He's the author of the book THE WALK OF THE SPIRIT, THE WALK OF POWER.

I just got another copy this week, since I keep giving them away to people. You can download it for free here: or purchase it here: