Monday, October 26, 2009



Please be alert to the threats facing us today.

FROM JAY SEKULOW: Efforts are intensifying to criminalize those who speak out against Islam. It's a UN resolution that puts the lives of Christians at risk around the globe. With this ruling, a Christian couldn't say Jesus is Lord.

See Short Video (2 min) here.

Hear Radio Broadcast (30 min) here.

Folks, we need to wake up to the threat of Radical Islam, that wishes to persecute Christians and overturn America's freedoms.

Grouping 57 Muslim states, The Organization of Islamic Conference is one of the largest bodies in the United Nations. The OIC has proposed a binding resolution at the United Nations, called the Defamation of Religions Resolution. It proposes to make illegal, throughout the world, any criticism of Islam -- which, by extension, includes the proclamation and advancement of the Christian gospel over Islam.

Sharia Law is the Islamic Constitution under Allah. Islam wants the whole world engulfed under Sharia Law. And they will carry out their objective in piecemeal fashion, even if it takes decades. So, they will move methodically into every aspect of society and attempt to impose their Sharia Law wherever they go: in schools, workplaces, government.

Go to Europe and see how the social fabric has been irreversibly changed.

And, it's not a coincidence that President Obama, being the head of this nation, has opened the door, spiritually speaking, to allow an encroachment of Radical Islam into our culture.

Pray that that door gets closed in the next election.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Where Does Reality End and Illusion Begin in Politics?

This is an incredible display of the literal blurring of the lines between reality and illusion.

And, it's target was the media. Yes, the media can be duped by unscrupulous individuals pursuing an agenda of media manipulation.

This video shows the halting of a Chamber of Commerce press conference by the REAL Chamber of Commerce Official!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Prophet John Paul Jackson, appeared on Sid Roth's IT'S SUPERNATURAL TV program, giving us his prophetic insights for the United States for the next ten years or so.

What's amazing is his prophetic description of President Barack Obama. But -- man! -- do we have to pray throughout this time for America!

You can see the entire interview here:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


We’re living in an age when it seems most people do not know the difference between good and evil anymore.

There is no more good. There is no more evil. Everything is homogenized into the middle. Everyone has so-called rights to be as profane and sinful as their imagination takes them.

We, as a nation, didn’t get here all at once. It’s been a slippery slide downward since the 1960s. There was a time when you could say prayer in school: now opponents have demonized God in the classrooms and declared that prayer in school violates separation of church and state.

Our founding fathers never thought that.

There was a time when drunks were sinful; now they constitute a disease.

There was a time when same-sex physical relations was sinful; now it’s a lifestyle choice.

There was a time when most college campuses held the Bible in high esteem; now educators discredit it as unreliable and relegate it as a fable.

There was a time when people honored men and women of Christian faith; now they’re despised.

On the international stage, Iran’s leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad defiantly denies the holocaust against the Jews ever occurred; then why is he given the honor of speaking at the United Nations?

President Barack Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize, not for having done something laudatory, but for political reasons – essentially because the Nobel Committee sees Obama not as a staunch defender of the country, as was President George Bush, but as an internationalist – as one who will gladly dismantle America’s superpower status and reject American exceptionalism.

Take a good look at the political scene today and you will see politicians brazenly speak lies before the news cameras: and the media doesn’t investigate the truth, but simply reports on what the politician says is the truth. Even worse, is when the news media takes on an agenda or a cause; like man-made Global Warming and reports it as truth, or Congress’ socialization of America and reports it as if it were glorious.

Does anybody see anything wrong in this culture where any diabolical lie and evil-intention gets equal authority with truth and righteousness? Truly we’re living in a time which the scriptures denounce:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

(Isa 5:20 ASV)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

FREEDOM IN CHRIST: Deliverance & Inner Healing

What's the common definition of "deliverance"?

Most would say it is the process of casting out demons.

But Mark Baker, founder of the Sozo School of Deliverance and Inner Healing, says it has more to do with salvation's complete work in the life of a believer. His definition is: "Submitting our lives (spirit, soul and body) completely to Christ as our only Lord and appropriating the finished work of the cross so that He can destroy ALL the works of the devil."

And that includes all of the areas of one's life that still needs healing. Do you know anyone who could use this type of teaching? I'm happy to say that his six-part teaching from his School of Deliverance and Inner Healing, is available online for free on video and downloadable mp3s. And it comes with a manual as well, that you can print out for yourself.

Check out this site.

I listened to the first installment last night and I felt an anointing on it from his opening prayer. Baker, who has trained over 700 pastors and leaders in the area of deliverance, has wonderful insights and his teaching is biblically sound.

I'd recommend that you check it out and download the teaching onto your computer or recommend it to a friend.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Reagan Was Noble, But Obama Got the Prize



The Nobel Committee, unfortunately, is really leftist and all of its selections are politically based. Now, Obama sits alongside Carter, Gore and Yassir Arafat!!!! That's right: Arafat, the terrorist, won the Nobel Peace Prize. Does that tell you anything? Btw, the committee selected Obama because he supports an impotent United States; as do they.

Check this article that puts things in perspective.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sobering Times!

The greatness that was once America is sadly floundering in a sea of moral depravity, media deception and political corruption. Our nation is on the edge socially and morally as a wide range of horrific scenarios confronts us!

  • Iran has stepped-up its nuclear weapons program and is threatening genocide upon Israel (it recently test-fired long-range missiles on Yom Kippur, as a display of intimidation against Israel and the West);
  • Capitalism, the engine which commandeered wealth for this nation, is being chipped away at by a growing chorus of pro-socialistic, anti-God forces;
  • The nation’s growing economic instability is causing the dollar to be devalued and potentially replaced as the world’s key currency;
  • Out-of-control congressional spending is creating an insurmountable budget deficit that will strangle economic growth upon generations yet unborn;
  • There is no sense of right and wrong, good and evil anymore;
  • America is rapidly losing its foundational dependence upon God and has rejected its role as the world’s leading Christian nation, as an example to the world of God’s favor and blessings.

We desperately need answers from the Lord. Thankfully, the Lord does speak to us through prophets. Chuck Pierce, Bill Hamon, and Matt Sorger, three leading prophetic voices, will join together for the next Open Heavens Conference: Releasing the Apostolic and Prophetic. You don’t want to miss what the Lord wants to say and do.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

HEALTH CARE DECEPTION: Impassioned Explanation of Why the Stakes Are So High!

Susan, a simple housewife from Glendale, California, called the Rush Limbaugh radio show today and gave an articulate and impassioned appeal for a return to the traditions that made this country great.

She gives a no-holds-barred denunciation of the methods and strategies of how the democratic-ruled congress wants to sandbag the American people, with a crooked, expensive health care bill that's going to impose burdensome regulations and strangle our economy.

She laments about the plight of the innocent Michigan mom who was babysitting children and the state of Michigan came down on her, accusing her of running an illegal day care. Susan says that this is how the government will come down on all of us, if we don't comply with their health care regulations.

Rush posted her discourse here. If that link is broke, you can go to Rush's page here -- there's also a transcript there. It's well worth a listen...and after you do, you'll be inspired to call your Senators and Representative.

Oh, this just in....I got a video of the exchange and here it is.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Obama Spell is Broken

News Analyst Charles Krauthammer gives an accurate chronicling of President Obama's first year in office. See here.

Read it before the liberal educators rewrite history in our children's textbooks.

Van Jones Out! Media Should Follow!

Do you know who Van Jones is?

If you've been following the news via the traditional news outlets: NBC, CBS, ABC, The New York Times -- you wouldn't know who he is.

An avowed Marxist and Communist, black nationalist and supporter of cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, a supporter of the 9-11 Truther movement (which believes that 9-11 was caused by the US government) and one who desires to bring a communist approach to his policies as Obama-appointed Green Jobs Czar, this is Van Jones.

Van Jones' history and condemning remarks, caught on camera, are well documented. FoxNews' Glenn Beck has been foremost is covering this astonishing appointment and the controversial positions he holds. Here is one of the many segments from YouTube detailing Van Jones' controversial agenda.

You might say that FoxNews' disclosure of Van Jones' history single-handedly brought about Van Jones' resignation last night.

Now the traditional news media is in a quandary. I'm hope they'll report about his resignation; but, up until now, they haven't detailed Van Jones' controversies at all! See here. Isn't that astonishing?

But why hasn't the traditional news outlets been following this big story? It's actually because of their liberal leanings and bias in support of this administration at all costs. It seems that they won't report on things that devastatingly tarnishes this administration, even when certain unreported facts would severely impact the traditions and underpinning democracy of this nation. This is why the traditional news media is losing credibility and audience.

Could the liberal media please resign as well.

Here FoxNews assesses the lack of media coverage of this hot story.

Monday, August 31, 2009

This Preacher Gets It!

This African-American preacher, Stephen Broden of Dallas, TX, understands what is going on in this nation. He sees the encroaching Marxist-Communist-Atheist agenda being forced upon us.

He gave this interview on the Glenn Beck program. Beck, by the way, has been front and center in chronicling the excesses of this administration.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Face2Face Worship

Jennifer Givens is an up-and-coming worshiper/composer, with such a sweet, anointed voice. Here's a selection, called Let Holiness Rise Up, from her latest worship CD, FACE2FACE.

Her voice is angelic and heaven-penetrating, and LightWriter expects that you'll be hearing more and more from her as she continues on her rise. She's already preparing two or three more CDs to come out soon.

She has an ability to bring an audience right into the presence of the Lord. Her inner heart of worship properly translates outwardly into inspired original lyrics and music.

You may go to her website and listen to more tracks and even purchase her CD.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Christians to Mobilize!

I'm sure glad to see this. The Moral Majority and the Christian Coalition seemed to have had their heyday in mobilizing Christians to get involved in their world, and have now, unfortunately, fallen by the wayside. But now, Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries is convening tonight over God TV with 300 ministries to launch an organization aimed at mobilizing Christians to bring "profound changes to the political, financial and spiritual landscapes of the world."

It comes at a great time, lest the landscape that's presently taking shape in the U.S. becomes something so totally socialistic and irreversible.

Go Rick Joyner.

Go Christians.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Faith of Whose Fathers?

May 7th of this year, President Barack Obama refused to participate in the National Day of Prayer, which had been a staple in the Bush Administration. Oh, and I seem to recall that when President Obama gave a speech at Catholic Notre Dame University, he insisted on covering up the name of Jesus (ie, the "INS" Catholic monogram for Jesus).

However, the President found time to give every Muslim in the world a heartfelt Ramadan greeting.

Happy Ramadan everyone!

God Invades Hollywood

We've always known that God would be invading Hollywood and that some well-known celebrities would be coming out of hiding and make vocal declarations about their faith; thereby bringing in many other converts.

Hollywood is an interesting town. You can promote the most extreme new age or third world faith, and they'll make converts. Oh for the day! Oh, for the day when those that are Christian in Hollywood will have the unction to declare their faith boldly and bring in souls to God's Kingdom.

Here comedian Steve Harvey gives an inspired introduction to the King of Kings, Jesus Christ.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Canadian Socialist Health Care Program Needs Drastic Improvement

My friends, this is why we've been pressing you to tell your legislators that you don't want socialized medicine in the United States. Conveniently enough, the Canadian Medical Association is meeting this week in Saskatoon and the incoming president is stating that the "country's (socialized) health-care system is sick and doctors need to develop a plan to cure it."

The fear we've had all along here in the States is that patients would have inadequate health care -- something that the Canadian doctors are now conceding. "We all agree," says incoming President Dr. Anne Doig, "that the system is imploding, we all agree that things are more precarious than perhaps Canadians realize."

"We know that there must be change," she said. "We're all running flat out (apparently finances!), we're all just trying to stay ahead of the immediate day-to-day demands."

We heard today that President Barack Obama is retreating from the single-payer option -- that's a wealth of good news. However, we really need to make sure we don't come close to health care reform that totally stagnates our economy and stymies health care efficiency.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Need an Encouraging Word Today?

Here is my boss, Matt Sorger, giving a really good, encouraging word for the body of Christ.

I hope to, at some point, give a behind-the-scenes look at the production of Matt's TV program, POWER FOR LIFE, seen on God TV, Monday, 8:30 am, est.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


During this summer recess, your senators and congressmen need to hear from you, otherwise they will try to push socialized health care on this country -- something that will have serious social and economic consequences for years to come.

I've made it very simple for everyone. It only takes a few minutes to make a big difference in the direction the country is going. You'll be glad you did something before it's too late.

Get the ADDRESS/PHONE numbers of your REPRESENTATIVES here:

Get the ADDRESS/PHONE numbers of your SENATORS here:

Or, if you prefer, you can locate their FAX numbers here:

Write them a letter; you can use my letter below as a sample. Update it for your own purposes. You can add your own points, but please be respectful.

Here is a sample letter I’m sending to my Congressman, in the first district in NY:

August 11, 2009

The Honorable Timothy Bishop
3680 Route 112, Suite C
Coram, NY 11727

Dear Representative:

As a taxpayer with adequate health coverage, I oppose Congress’s attempt to push socialized health care in this country that I believe will have serious socio-economic ramifications for years to come.

First of all, we can’t afford this bill. The breadth and scope with which this administration is increasing our national debt is astonishingly unprecedented, especially when we as families have to be tightening our belts during these recessionary times.

In general, I am opposed to any health care reform that resembles socialized health care, and in particular, I am opposed to the call for a single-payer system, funding for abortions, funding for illegal aliens (thereby giving them legal status to remain here), the glaring omission from the bill of tort reform, as well as the stripping of our fundamental right to health care decisions between family and doctors and replacing them with decisions made by bureaucrats in Washington.

I pray for this country and for you, as well, and hope that you would oppose this bill towards socialized health care.

Lou Comunale

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Prophecy Alert: Temple Altar Construction Begins

Temple Altar Construction Begins

Shared via AddThis

Referring to the last days, Jesus prophetically urged the church to not be caught sleeping, but to “watch and pray.”

SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT happened this past week, which bypassed the radar of most news reports. But it’s a major incident in the events leading to the return of Jesus Christ.

According to the report here, the Temple Institute has begun work recently on a sacrificial altar in Mitzpe Yericho, which is an Israeli settlement on the West Bank, about 15 miles east of Jerusalem. The intention is to bring the altar to the Temple Mount, as soon as the temple is rebuilt.

There is a spiritual renaissance going on today in Israel for the rebuilding of the temple in Mount Moriah, where Solomon’s original temple was built. The above amateur video shows the laying down of the foundation for the altar, with stones from the Dead Sea and hot tar to hold them together.

The process by which the Israelis will build the temple on the site, presently supervised by Arabs, may be problematic; since the Jews are prohibited from worshiping at all on the Temple Mount and there are constant skirmishes between them.

But the desire for the rebuilding of the temple is growing, and this new development certainly speaks about the commitment of the Temple Institute to new spirituality and a return to their biblical roots.

According to their website, the Temple Institute, founded in 1987, “is a non-profit educational and religious organization located in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem's Old City. The Institute is dedicated to every aspect of the Biblical Commandment to build the Holy Temple of G-d on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. Our short-term goal is to rekindle the flame of the Holy Temple in the hearts of mankind through education. Our long-term goal is to do all in our limited power to bring about the building of the Holy Temple in our time.”

This ceremony, conducted on the same day the temple was destroyed almost 2,000 years ago, marks an important stepping stone toward the re-institution of animal sacrifices.

My understanding is that Israel ended animal sacrifices after 70 AD, when the temple was destroyed and Jerusalem sacked. But – for anyone watching bible prophesy unfold – there are scriptural reasons why the return of animal sacrifices and the rebuilding of the temple is significant. The book of Daniel has much to say about the end times. Daniel speaks about a 70 week prophesy, whose last week is yet to be fulfilled. The 70 weeks prophecy must be for another discussion, but suffice it to say, using the day-for-a-year prophetic principle, we understand that the last week of that prophesy will consist of seven years.

Speaking of the Antichrist, Daniel writes, “He (Antichrist) will confirm a covenant with many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will bring sacrifices and offerings to a halt” Dan 9:27 (NET1).

For 2,000 years there haven’t been animal sacrifices in Israel. This is why the Bible, in foretelling the future, is more reliable than tomorrow’s newspaper.

We can only conjecture exactly when the building will actually take place and for how long they will carry out sacrifices until the Antichrist comes on the scene and then puts a stop to it. It could be a long way off, but know this: that when Antichrist puts a stop to the sacrifices, that’s when the 3 ½ year Great Tribulation begins.

Jesus says this, when speaking of the Antichrist, “So when you see the abomination of desolation — spoken about by Daniel the prophet — standing in the holy place (let the reader understand) [that’s the temple], then those in Judea must flee to the mountains....for then there will be great suffering unlike anything that has happened from the beginning of the world until now, or ever will happen. And if those days had not been cut short, no one would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.” Matt 24:15-22 (NET1)

We're not setting dates here and I’m certainly not wanting to be an alarmist, but it’s far more better to understand what’s going on in the world in the light of scripture and to "watch and pray."

All I know is one thing: that my heart’s desire is to do whatever work the Lord has given me to do in this crucial hour.

And, know this: Christ is returning soon for His own spotless, bride – the church, which, if we're born again, we're all a part of! So, let’s be alert and prepared, rededicating ourselves to the Lord; and let Him use us as His instruments on the earth! To God be the glory!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Obama's Health Scare Will Eliminate Private Insurance!

We need to wake up to what President Barack Obama is doing. He wants to totally eliminate private health insurance and only offer public insurance. You need to call your representatives and senators and have them stop this health scare nightmare.

The phrase single payer, used by President Obama and Sen Barney Frank, refers to a system by which only one entity (the government) collects all health care fees and pays out all health care costs. There's no room for private insurance here.

We really can't go down this Socialist road. It's a total government takeover of health care. I heard a report today, suggesting that the British health care system will discontinue providing painkilling medication thereby causing back-pain patients to live in agony. Do we want that here?

Where else can you go for relief? There won't be any private insurance companies any longer.

Recently, we found that we can't even fund a "Cash for Clunkers" program; how are we going to fund this? I pray this doesn't pass in any form.

On another note, President Obama promised no taxes for middle income Americans, today two Obama officials are preparing the way for taxes (see here).

Sunday, August 2, 2009

America's Christian Heritage

It's somewhat distressing to hear a president deny America's Christian heritage. It is simply so untrue! Unlike no other nation, the United States was founded by people with a strong belief in God. And this is reflected in our early documents.

It's not only a shame and disgrace, but immoral and a total travesty, that modern education attempts to discredit our nation's true history.

A modern-day hero, attempting to rewrite what has already been rewritten about our history, is David Barton. He runs the Wallbuilders website, which details America's forgotten, but accurate, Christian heritage.

He appeared on Mike Huckabee's Foxnews TV program tonight, recounting some little-known Christian aspects of America's history.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Health Care is Getting Scarier!

It's worse than you thought. This is why so many are upset about this quagmire called Health Care Reform that President Barack Obama wants to Rahm-rod through congress (Rahm Emanuel is White House Chief of Staff).

Morningstar Ministries' Rick Joyner is all up-in-arms about this. Read his entire denunciation of this bill here.

He says, "This is not about money or government mismanagement—this is about something far more diabolical than that. As incomprehensible as it may seem, this is about euthanasia, the power to determine who lives or dies in America. Hitler and Stalin would have loved to have had a means such as this for dispatching the millions they killed—it would have made their job much easier, and probably given them the ability to kill many more than they did. THIS BILL IS THAT SINISTER. This is not a joke—this is actually the nature of what is being proposed in the National Health Care legislation, and it is the obvious reason why the Obama Administration wants to ram it through Congress before anyone gets a chance to read it."

Joyner also explains why he, a Christian, would speak out against this bill, despite the cost of losing status as one who thinks the best of everyone: "after reading the brief on this health care bill, I don’t see how anyone could not see that there is profound evil and evil intent at work here."

He goes onto to list the various items hidden in the thousand-plus-page bill -- that most of your representatives may not read!:

Pg 59 HC Bill lines 21-24 Government will have direct access to your banks accounts for electronic funds transfer.

Pg 170 Lines 1-3 Any NONRESIDENT Alien is exempt from individual taxes (Americans will pay).

Pg 203 Line 14-15 HC - “The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax.” Yes, it says that.

PG 430 Lines 11-15 The government will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life.

Pg 770 SEC 1714 Federal Government mandates eligibility for State Family Planning Services. Abortion and State Sovereign.

This is too critical and bizarre to actually be happening in our country and with a segment of the population attracted to this.

As of this writing, the so-called Blue Dog Democrats, who up until now were resistant to the bill, have now conceded that they will support the bill. I believe the only caveat is that they will not submit the bill until they come back from summer recess. That means we have up until this September-October to storm your senators and congressmen to stop this bill!

If you are as disturbed about this administration's mad quest for socialized health care, then go to this website and write/call/email your representatives here.
Also, try to find out when the next town meeting your politicians will be conducting and be there and voice your concerns!

I called up my local representative and immediately got put on a list for a "phone" town call meeting.

If you want to view the bill in its entirety, go here.

Monday, July 27, 2009

At Least He's Honest! -- for a Politician!

Why the Media Uproar Over Sarah?

Sometimes you watch the news and scratch your head. Why in the world are the liberals so agitated over conservative Sarah Palin? Every time she makes a move, liberal commentators self-destruct in their vociferous opposition of her.

The secret of the matter was voiced perfectly by conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh. He perfectly explains here the psychological reasons behind the unprecedented anger.

Sarah personifies everything that the left abhors: a pro-life, conservative-feminist who is able to connect with the public in a way that most career politicians could only hope to attain. The fact that she's a strong believer in God, and practices what she preaches, only irritates them further. She is clearly a threat to the liberal agenda of more government control over our lives.

And isn't it telling, that as this blog stated when Palin resigned as Alaska governor, that she is positioning herself to speak out against the present administration. In her farewell address, she gave a number of great "campaign-speech" lines, including this one on overreaching government control.

Sarah is modern-day Esther.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

What Would Reagan Do?

I was shocked the other week when I heard Vice President Joe Biden make this incredible statement about how to get out of debt! -- HE SAYS TO SPEND MORE!

Now can you imagine if a conservative had made that remark? The liberal press would have destroyed him and his mother and his dog!

Economics 101 states unequivocally that when you're in huge debt, you need to limit spending. Every American householder knows that.

So, I don't understand why something like this is largely unnoticed. But let's see how past presidents dealt with a failing economy.

Ronald Reagan, 40th President (1981-1989), reared up in the Christian faith by his bible-believing mother, faced similar problems in the 80's as we're facing today. When he came into office, he inherited a slew of social horrors: high oil prices, recession, high unemployment, global terrorism.

Same as Barack Obama.

On the economy, the Obama administration believes that to get out of economic problems, you need to throw more money at it -- thus, creating a national debt of trillions of dollars to be shouldered by generations yet to be born.

The "don't-read-this-just-pass-this" Stimulus Bill signed by the President earlier this year has done little to solve unemployment and our economic problems. (The bill was later analyzed to disproportionately favor Obama-supporting areas and concerns in the United States. Imagine that! See here.)

But what did Reagan do when faced with economic woes? He cut taxes across the board, which literally brought about the longest-sustained, post-war economic boom -- which lasted until the end of the Bush II Administration. Even democratic administrations benefited from the upturn.

Tax cuts stimulated the economy. Today, our mindset is to tax more. There's even more rhetoric coming out of the White House that suggests another "stimulus" bill must be passed (to do what the first couldn't do, perhaps?).

I only hope we can learn from our history. Thankfully many Americans are waking up and resisting Congress' blinding speed to throw more money into the projected health care bill.

Make no mistake. What was initially derided by the press as "Reaganomics" -- really worked! For this and many other reasons, Reagan was my favorite president. And don't forget his affable rapport and humor? I always have a smile on my face when I recall this famous line from his debate with democrat Walter Mondale.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Turn Passivity into Prophecy

My friends and I had a great time last night at a Graham Cooke meeting at Calvary Tabernacle Church in Cranford, New Jersey.

Cooke, a prophet-teacher who wrote the book Developing Your Prophetic Gifting, gave an extraordinary message on turning passivity into prophecy, about turning problems into destiny, about taking possession of what God has promised in your life -- and to do that not as a one-time deal, but as a way of life -- forever!

That message can be downloaded here.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sarah Palin: You Haven't Seen the End of Her!

Former Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin artifully spoke on reasons for her resignation as Alaska governor two days ago. If you read the text, you'll find that she answered without answering -- brilliantly!

She is articulate and capable of speaking extemporaneously (without teleprompters!!) and from the heart -- like no other politician! She is definitely able to connect with people, to get her point across and to let it go deep into one's soul. But in analyzing what she said and why she said it (or not said), I've come to the conclusion that she is preparing a run for the presidency in 2012.

Look! She couldn't come right out and state that she's preparing for the presidency right now! This is way too soon. She'd be trashed in the press daily and kneecapped way before the official start of the presidential campaign got underway.

She hinted in her speech that she has been inundated with frivolous lawsuits from "nobodies" (my term! actually, some are just bloggers!). And as governor, she could sustain these lawsuits alright and maintain her position as Governor. But is it advantageous for a presidential candidate to campaign nationally while facing ongoing frivolous lawsuits as Governor in Alaska? -- which would only escalate as her presidential ambition becomes evident.

No candidate wants to face an ongoing onslaught of frivolous ethics complaints that would stymie her candidacy with bad publicity and divide her time to campaign. Because normal rules of restraint by critics and the media do not seem to apply when attacking Sarah Palin and her family, then maybe it's justifiable that her defense (ie, resigning) is also beyond the traditional.

By the way, while a few lawsuits may still be pending, most of them have been dismissed.

Now her intentions are hinted at in Palin's latest Facebook entry. She says, "I am now looking ahead and how we can advance this country together with our values of less government intervention, greater energy independence, stronger national security, and much-needed fiscal restraint."

It appears that Palin will be conducting a campaign to address these issues on a national scale. That can easily be done by personal appearances, book tour stops, TV appearances and/or TV show.

This new season in Palin's life can jump-start a national groundswell support she needs to be propelled into office.

Have you noticed, by the way, that each of the points outlined above are strategic counterpoints to ultra-liberal positions posed by President Obama.

  • less government intervention
  • greater energy independence
  • stronger national security
  • much-needed fiscal restraint
She's already articulated her campaign talking points! And, they counter Obama's! As Sarah has said, "all I can ask is that you TRUST me with this decision." I believe, as she said, she's "not retreating, but advancing in another direction." I believe that's the presidency.

Godspeed, Sarah!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sarah Palin for 2012!

Startling Political News Today! Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, resigned from her office. I hope that she's preparing a run for the 2012 Presidency!

Sarah Palin
is the most articulate spokesperson for conservative principles since Ronald Reagan. The republican party is presently in total disarray. They lost the election last time around because they shunned conservatism. Most of the country identifies themselves as conservative!

Wake up Republican Party!

Just wait till she runs for President -- we're talking landslide status.

May the Republican Party stop shooting its own, and get behind her for 2012.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Televangelist accused of stealing idea for text messaging service

This news just came out from OneNewsNow; thought you'd be interested.


ATLANTA, GA - A lawsuit filed in a California accuses Atlanta televangelist Creflo Dollar of stealing a spiritual text message business concept, then marketing the business to his worldwide audience for millions of dollars in revenue.

The lawsuit, filed by Devone Lawson of Marina del Rey, California, accuses Dollar, his son Jeremy Dollar, and other ministry staff of breach of nondisclosure agreement, fraud, unjust enrichment, civil conspiracy, breach of contract and misappropriation of trade secrets.

Starting in 2004, Lawson claims he spent a year working with Dollar's World Changers Church International ministry on a subscription service that would send daily inspirational text messages to church members' cell phones. In the lawsuit, Lawson claims the ministry violated a nondisclosure agreement when it eventually formed another company and launched a similar "Word On the Go" text messaging service in 2006.

Attorneys for Lawson estimate the $4.99 per month subscription service generates more than $50 million a year in revenue.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Plight of Single Women in the Church

Arthur Burk, a pastor from Anaheim, CA, came out with an intriguing article about "why many single Christian women can't get married." He sees it as a demonic strategy.

Arthur Burk released this on Father's day.

Arthur asks if the desire for marriage is from God, why hasn't there been any fulfillment? Why aren't dreams, visions, prophetic words coming to pass?

This article doesn't give the answer, instead it's a call to
BIND THE MESMERIZING SPIRIT CORPORATELY for the next 3 MONTHS and to receive the answer from God. Here's his article:

The Surface Problem

For the last five years, I have been talking to women across the Western world who are of marriageable age but who have not been able to find a husband. What has drawn my attention is the fact that there are so many of them. Women who could not marry have always existed, but there have generally been only a very few of them in any culture, unless it was in a post-war situation where there were no men available.

The present situation represents a massive number of women compared to any historical baseline I can find. This clearly is abnormal and spiritual, not a natural function of social upheaval.

The Deeper Problem

We do not generally get involved in issues just because there is pain. Rather, we are called to speak into the vacant niches in the theology of the Church. It became very evident that the Church as a whole is militantly ignoring this issue. The denial factor of church leadership is simply astounding. By and large, church leaders are treating the single women as though it is their issue, just an individual matter, and not part of a massive pattern in the Body of Christ.

This disconnect from reality on the part of spiritual leaders is cause for deep concern. Further, the overwhelming response of church leaders is to distance themselves from any responsibility for the problem. I know there must be some churches out there that have overtly owned their responsibility to find answers for the single women in their midst, but I have not found them yet. Most of the time, pastors are overt in shoving all the responsibility for singleness back on the women, while they loudly pursue answers for all sorts of other issues in the church body.

This is not right.

A Bigger Perspective

It is my opinion that both the singleness and the denial by leaders is part of a demonic strategy. The church has broadly been willing to address rampant adultery, pornography, divorce, marital abuse, child abuse, child abandonment, and fatherlessness in general as part of the devil’s assault on the institution of marriage. There are hundreds of voices that are speaking to those issues.

I believe that the issue of single women is just another facet of the devil’s assault on godly marriages, and that the church’s silence on the issue is also part of the devil’s premeditated strategy. This issue deserves just as much prominence as any of the other demonic strategies against marriage.

What about the Men?

From time to time a single man will write and ask why I focus all my work on the women, when there are in fact single men who have not been able to find a bride.

My answer is simple: the shame factor. While I acknowledge that there are single men, by and large in the church today there is no stigma attached to a single man of any age. It is considered his choice. On the other hand, the shame factor that women feel -- and that many believers project viciously onto single women -- suggests strongly to me that the women are the major spiritual battlefield. Hence my focus there.

What Has Been Done?

The short answer is, “a whole lot of everything.” Individually, many of the ladies I have talked to have invested deeply in personal healing, deliverance, growth in maturity, serving God, waiting in faith, seeing godly counsel, staying under authority, hearing from the prophetic movement, fasting and prayer, praying for their future spouses by faith, making proclamation, etc.

I personally pulled together a group of single women and walked with them for a couple of years, using all of the tools I have and we had no movement with them. They benefitted from the exercises we did, but it did not produce marriages.

The Double Bind

Historically the advice for single women has been to accept that as being from the hand of God and to learn to live a full life in relationship with Jesus, without an earthly husband. Historically, this advice has been embraced by many women, and they have indeed experienced deep fulfillment.

This grace is still available today. I know some women who would very much like to be married, but they have a deep relationship with God, and are finding fulfillment in the work He has called them to do.

The reality, however, is that you cannot go down to Wal-Mart and by three units of that grace and go home to fix the problem of your desires. Today, there are a huge number of women who are caught in a vicious double bind.

On the one hand, they have a craving for marriage and family that is beyond intense – it is consuming. And the longer they go without marriage, the more driven they become with this focus. It becomes a toxic passion which erodes spirit, soul and body all at the same time.

In light of the fact that hope deferred makes the heart sick, many of the ladies have made the decision to lay down their vision, only to find out they cannot. Some have gone through personal exercises in renouncing their right to marriage and making deep proclamations about Jesus being their utter fulfillment. Others have gone so far as to attempt deliverance and inner healing with all of the different flavors of tools out there.

The result is uniformly, no change. They are in anguish if they hold the dream and in double anguish if they try to renounce the dream and go forward.

What About the Prophetic?

The data is indisputable: the prophetic has been hugely discredited in this situation. There have been globally circulated prophecies about “this” (a few years ago) being THE year when the bondage would be broken and thousands of women would be married. There have been endless individual prophecies from the big name prophets and from low profile individuals about this man or that one being absolutely THE man who would propose marriage, this date or that date would bring about an engagement, and they have, almost entirely, been utterly wrong. Measurably, verifiably, wrong!

What About Dreams and Visions?

They too have been discredited. Many women have had clear pictures of the man they would marry. The pictures are so detailed that they would recognize the person on the street in a heartbeat. Others have had visions of a place, or event, or conference where the connection would happen. Again, there have been wholesale verifiable failures of those dreams and visions.

My Conclusion

The short version: this cannot be simply women who can’t get it together. The pattern is consistent in dozens of different streams of faith and different cultures in the Western world. The drive is too intense and too alike from lady to lady to simply be an individual issue. The fact that the demonic realm has co-opted the prophetic movement so massively in this area is another reason to say it is not an individual issue. Given the torment involved, I simply cannot believe this is the way God intended it to be.

As far as I can see, there are only two options.

1) The whole thing is a demonic delusion and we need to find the strategy to break through this and set women free to be able to go on with life, without this consuming, destructive drive gnawing at them day and night.

2) The whole thing is from God since He wants to raise up a new generation of spectacular marriages to defy the devil, and we need to find the strategy to break through the barriers that the devil has erected to keep those marriages from happening.

Either way, the bottom line is that our strategies so far have not worked. I have worked very hard to release some women from the drive for marriage and been totally ineffective. I have worked equally hard with some women to bring about courtship and commitment and I have equally failed there.

As someone once said, “There HAS to be a better way.”

The Visible Culprit

While I am sure that this issue has layers and layers and layers of dynamics, the obvious problem is the mesmerizing spirit.

  1. This entity has completely bamboozled the prophetic and corrupted the other revelatory gifts.
  2. If the whole thing is a delusion, then this too points to the mesmerizing spirit.
  3. And finally, if it is just a demonic strategy to block us, the mesmerizing spirit is being effective at keeping us from seeing what we need to do differently than we have already done.
Again, I don’t think this is the sole culprit, but I do believe it is the beginning place.

A Call to Arms

Therefore, since everything we know how to do has not worked yet, it is time to pursue new strategy. I am inviting all of you who have a vested interest in this battle to join me in a unified prayer strategy for the months of July, August and September, crying out to God to bind the mesmerizing spirit and to shine His light on the truths He wants us to see. God absolutely knows the way out of this double bind.

If you are not familiar with my teaching on the mesmerizing spirit and how it comes into our lives, I suggest you get the album “Life, Dominion and Honor. ” Also, there are more recent discoveries about the mesmerizing spirit in the video library including information about how we can be controlled by this entity. It will do little good to pray about this demon if you are controlled by it because you have not closed the open door.

So join me in daily crying out to God for His light to shine. We absolutely have to have clarity on which way to go with the battle, and what tools to use. There is no demonic strategy that is greater than God’s dominion. We simply need to see a bigger picture.

Arthur Burk
June 21, 2009

Here's Lou's two cents here:

I feel that Satan has intensified his attack on marriages and on prospective marriages, if only to thwart the work that two joined together as one will have against the kingdom of darkness.

I believe that God desires to have end-time marriages so powerful in anointing that they do major damage to Satan's kingdom. And that knowledge is causing Satan to tremble and to bring an all-out-war against the church. But as the church today comes to better understand that Jesus has given all authority and power to his bride (but still Jesus is the Head in this relationship); so should Spirit-filled women come to their rightful place alongside Spirit-filled men in a marriage-ministry that will be the absolute physical pattern of Christ and the Church.

These end-time marriages will not be like what we see patterned after the world’s ways. These Holy-Spirit-filled marriages will openly represent the physical pattern of the love and respect between Jesus and the church. Even secular people will marvel over the way these spouses treat each other and they will declare, "I want what you have. I want a relationship like that!"

And, we’ll be able to say, “Let Jesus take part in your relationships. Let Him be the one who directs you to him or her. And, when God finds him or her, get yourself out of the way. Treat him or her at least equal or better than yourselves and you’ll have a heavenly relationship – one that everyone has always wanted but we’ve gotten ourselves too much in the way to make it work.”

But again, I say that the potential is great in this hour for true Christians to stop patterning their ways after the world (divorce is as bad in the church today as out!) and to become as Jesus would have us become. The onus is on the church now to really cultivate relationships the way Jesus intended: husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church; and wives, respect your husbands as you do the Lord.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Case for a Creator

I think you need a reality break!

You've been looking at the news and wondering how much more this country can go into debt. You're amazed that the news media can be so crooked to the point of being scandalous -- and without anyone in the world caring. You marvel as to how long we can last as a society without God.

So it's time you took a break. Take a look at this wonderful series of YouTube videos on The Case for a Creator. It'll gladden your heart.

Lee Strobel
, a journalist from the Chicago Tribune, went on a search for truth (imagine that, a journalist with a desire for truth!). He wanted to find out -- from scientific fact -- whether a plausible rationale can be made for God who created the world. And, in the process, he debunks evolution as well.

He uncovers a great deal of scientific evidence that you don't normally find in your children's schools; and he shares it with us in this series of videos. So, get your kids to watch this too. This scientific documentary is so refreshing because it doesn't bend scientific evidence to distort the truth -- as do most atheistic-backed, evolution-driven, so-called "educational" programs. Don't you wish ALL documentaries on TV and in academia can be produced without prejudice or flaws in reasoning?

Enjoy! [You can buy the dvd by clicking on the title of this article.]

The Blurring of News and Politics

The hubris of the liberal media has got to stop!

Drudge Report, in a headline today, states that ABC has gone into a partnership with the White House to promote President Obama's national health care agenda.

Never in the history of U.S. media has a news organization come under the direct influence of the White House. We are not Cuba. We are not Communist China. ABC is now simply doing outwardly and opening what they've already been doing -- supporting liberal causes in their newscasts. Now they seem to have no fear of charges of bias.

I feel like I woke up into the Twilight Zone with this news. Something has to be done about it -- this has to be aborted!

And wouldn't you know it? Most of the nation is conservative -- not liberal! See the latest Gallup Poll. Where are all the conservative voices that need to be raised right now?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Just Show Me the Stuff

At long last, after a well deserved vacation, here we go again -- with a great new article by Matt Sorger. If you're looking for a genuine minister with high moral integrity -- check out Matt. Here's his latest article that has really gotten quite a bit of positive feedback from readers. [see his website at]

Just Show Me the Stuff!

Personal Reflections by Matt Sorger

I am witnessing an alarming trend in some of our charismatic circles and services. I travel full time on the road all across the United States and other parts of the world. Each week I am ministering in another state to a new group of hungry believers wanting to live in the fullness of God’s Spirit. Several times in the last few months I have encountered a disturbing and grievous observation. Before I share it with you, let me give you some of my personal background.


I was saved at the age of 14. I am thankful to have been raised in a solid Bible preaching, Spirit-filled church. The word was always given a priority. An understanding of living a holy, sanctified life was always preached with conviction. I took my first steps of walking, living and ministering in the Spirit there. As a young pastor I was given some room to begin to spread my wings as the anointing and power of God began to move through my life. I took full flight when I launched out from pastoring six years ago to travel full time in a “prophetic revival” ministry.

My years before pastoring were spent seeking God as a young person, spending time in personal devotion and study of the word, as well as nearly four years in a great Bible school in Rhode Island where I served as class president during my time there. Upon graduation I stepped into the pastoral ministry. I learned many valuable things during those years that I carry with me to this day. Life experiences have a way of shaping you into the person God has called you to be.

I want to define to you what I consider “prophetic revival” ministry. For me “prophetic” means hearing and then declaring a true word from God, either through preaching and teaching God’s heart as revealed in His word, or declaring and speaking forth an unctioned word from His heart. But even that kind of prophetic word will be solidly rooted and grounded in scripture. “Revival” holds a dual meaning for me. I see it as stirring up the church for a deeper passion for God and learning to live and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and then seeing that passion overflow through the lives of believers into the world around us. The power of God in the life of the believer cannot be contained by oneself. It must overflow and impact the world around us.


Now I must share with you an alarming trend I have witnessed taking place. I have even experienced it in my own meetings! Because this is hitting so close to home I can no longer be silent. I am a man of deep convictions. And it is time for me to share them with you. Recently, after a meeting I was standing near my resource table greeting people. A woman approached me to share of the wonderful overflow of the Holy Spirit she had experienced from the meeting the day before. She could sense a whole new level of God’s presence with her. It was clear she had been deeply touched. But she proceeded to share something with me that caused me to raise a “red flag.”

She said, “You know, when you started preaching, I thought, I have heard this before. I really came looking to hear something I had never heard before. But the presence of God in the meeting did have a profound impact on me, and I am not the same.” I rejoiced over what the Lord had done for her, but at the same time I grieved.

That same week a pastor I was having lunch with shared with me his thoughts concerning the meetings we were holding. We had only finished one day of meetings when he shared his thoughts with me. The night before I had preached a word the Holy Spirit had placed on my heart. After the preaching of the word I proceeded to be led by the Spirit in calling some folks out from the audience and prayed for them with a clear demonstration of God’s presence and power. I left the meeting rejoicing.

The pastor didn’t quite feel the same. He said to me, “You know, if the preaching of the gospel could have gotten the job done, it would have been done a long time ago. What we need are the signs. I just want to see the stuff. I don’t want you preaching. Preach just a few minutes. We want the miracles.” Only once before had I had such pressure put on me to “perform." It became apparent very quickly to me that what they were really wanting was a charismatic show. They wanted the “signs following” with no preaching of the word. I’m sorry; but I am making an announcement to the world. I am a WORD preacher.

I see an alarming trend. In the prophetic movement, it seems we may be unintentionally cultivating a mindset where the truth of the power of the cross and blood of Christ are no longer good enough. We need signs, signs and more signs. A life transformed by the power of God’s amazing word is no longer enough. “Let me hear and see something new. Something I have never heard or seen before, something that will wow me!” So we have hundreds of hungry believers fascinated by and following stories of supernatural encounters that have been, at times, exaggerated by charismatic personalities. Trust me when I say I have seen stories stretched and exaggerated to be something they never originally were. And I have seen people eat it up like popcorn and cotton candy. I want you to hear my heart in this. I am all for supernatural encounters. I have had many myself and I know of others in ministry that have had some beautiful, real, life-changing supernatural encounters with God. But I am not into charismatic hype or manipulation. Just say it like it is. Don’t exaggerate, add to or blow something up just to make a good story or to sell a bunch of CD’s. I am not being negative. I am seeking to bring balance back into a movement I am so proud to be a part of -- a movement that didn’t just want to hear empty words, but wanted it backed up with real substance, power and glory.

I want the real thing! I want the real manifest presence of God. I want the real miracles, the real signs and wonders, the real angelic encounters (as God chooses to give them to me.) I don’t want a hyped-up version. I don’t want to just hear something new and different, just for the sake of hearing something I have never heard before. I want my everyday life encountered in a real way by God’s word and anointing. I want to hear something that I can apply to my life. I want the fullness of God’s word to renew my mind, change me from the inside out and fill my life with real power and glory.

People who only want to hear something they have never heard before are in serious danger of opening themselves up to a gospel that is different from the one we find in scripture. If you are running around only looking for a new revelation without first putting into practice the hundreds of revelations given to us in God’s word, you are looking in the wrong direction. God has not called us to be flakey. He has called us to be solidly grounded in Him, to preach the gospel in season and out and to impact the world around us as salt and light.

I love the prophetic. I love the supernatural. But the moment we start wanting signs without the word of God, we are in trouble. And this is what I have been seeing. Recently I had two pastors in different parts of the United States both proceed to tell me that they wanted the preaching of the word to be kept to a bare minimum with an emphasis placed on the signs and the wonders. I need to set the record straight. Signs FOLLOW the preaching of the word. If you become a sign seeker apart from the word of God, you will become ungrounded and will reproduce that in your ministry. It will build an unhealthy and weak foundation in people’s lives.


The sign I am most after these days is the sign of a life transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to see people hungry to truly apply the word of God to their lives and not just want to hear something new, but put into practice what they already know. I want to see people walking in love. I want to see people living righteously. I want to see people knowing who they are in Christ so the devil can’t continually beat them up. I want to see people experience the abundant life Jesus came to give them. I want to see people preaching the gospel in power, laying hands on the sick, casting out demons and raising the dead. But we can never forget that the power of the gospel is revealed through the foolishness of preaching. Not just preaching our good stories, but preaching the word of God with power and authority. A sign without the word points nowhere.

I want to encourage the body of Christ in these days to evaluate everything you have believed and be sure it is pure gospel. Go back and read the New Testament from cover to cover and ask the Holy Spirit to write upon your heart the full counsel of God’s word as revealed in the New Covenant. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth and to be sure your foundations are strong and solid. Never neglect God’s word. It has the power to change your life. As you soak in God’s word and in His presence, you will truly live a Spirit-filled, Spirit-empowered life that will make a real difference in the world around you. Go and be the salt and light God has called you to be. And always remember, there is power in God’s word and in the Holy Spirit to give you power for life!

[That last line is a reference to Matt's TV program POWER FOR LIFE, seen on God TV, every Monday morning at 8:30 am, est. ]