Monday, August 3, 2009

Obama's Health Scare Will Eliminate Private Insurance!

We need to wake up to what President Barack Obama is doing. He wants to totally eliminate private health insurance and only offer public insurance. You need to call your representatives and senators and have them stop this health scare nightmare.

The phrase single payer, used by President Obama and Sen Barney Frank, refers to a system by which only one entity (the government) collects all health care fees and pays out all health care costs. There's no room for private insurance here.

We really can't go down this Socialist road. It's a total government takeover of health care. I heard a report today, suggesting that the British health care system will discontinue providing painkilling medication thereby causing back-pain patients to live in agony. Do we want that here?

Where else can you go for relief? There won't be any private insurance companies any longer.

Recently, we found that we can't even fund a "Cash for Clunkers" program; how are we going to fund this? I pray this doesn't pass in any form.

On another note, President Obama promised no taxes for middle income Americans, today two Obama officials are preparing the way for taxes (see here).

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