Sunday, August 2, 2009

America's Christian Heritage

It's somewhat distressing to hear a president deny America's Christian heritage. It is simply so untrue! Unlike no other nation, the United States was founded by people with a strong belief in God. And this is reflected in our early documents.

It's not only a shame and disgrace, but immoral and a total travesty, that modern education attempts to discredit our nation's true history.

A modern-day hero, attempting to rewrite what has already been rewritten about our history, is David Barton. He runs the Wallbuilders website, which details America's forgotten, but accurate, Christian heritage.

He appeared on Mike Huckabee's Foxnews TV program tonight, recounting some little-known Christian aspects of America's history.


Cat said...

Bless you for posting these David Barton videos! Wallbuilders rawks!

Lou Comunale said...

You bet...I'm so glad there's someone re-educating the "learned" about our Christian history.