Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sobering Times!

The greatness that was once America is sadly floundering in a sea of moral depravity, media deception and political corruption. Our nation is on the edge socially and morally as a wide range of horrific scenarios confronts us!

  • Iran has stepped-up its nuclear weapons program and is threatening genocide upon Israel (it recently test-fired long-range missiles on Yom Kippur, as a display of intimidation against Israel and the West);
  • Capitalism, the engine which commandeered wealth for this nation, is being chipped away at by a growing chorus of pro-socialistic, anti-God forces;
  • The nation’s growing economic instability is causing the dollar to be devalued and potentially replaced as the world’s key currency;
  • Out-of-control congressional spending is creating an insurmountable budget deficit that will strangle economic growth upon generations yet unborn;
  • There is no sense of right and wrong, good and evil anymore;
  • America is rapidly losing its foundational dependence upon God and has rejected its role as the world’s leading Christian nation, as an example to the world of God’s favor and blessings.

We desperately need answers from the Lord. Thankfully, the Lord does speak to us through prophets. Chuck Pierce, Bill Hamon, and Matt Sorger, three leading prophetic voices, will join together for the next Open Heavens Conference: Releasing the Apostolic and Prophetic. You don’t want to miss what the Lord wants to say and do.

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