Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Health Care is Getting Scarier!

It's worse than you thought. This is why so many are upset about this quagmire called Health Care Reform that President Barack Obama wants to Rahm-rod through congress (Rahm Emanuel is White House Chief of Staff).

Morningstar Ministries' Rick Joyner is all up-in-arms about this. Read his entire denunciation of this bill here.

He says, "This is not about money or government mismanagement—this is about something far more diabolical than that. As incomprehensible as it may seem, this is about euthanasia, the power to determine who lives or dies in America. Hitler and Stalin would have loved to have had a means such as this for dispatching the millions they killed—it would have made their job much easier, and probably given them the ability to kill many more than they did. THIS BILL IS THAT SINISTER. This is not a joke—this is actually the nature of what is being proposed in the National Health Care legislation, and it is the obvious reason why the Obama Administration wants to ram it through Congress before anyone gets a chance to read it."

Joyner also explains why he, a Christian, would speak out against this bill, despite the cost of losing status as one who thinks the best of everyone: "after reading the brief on this health care bill, I don’t see how anyone could not see that there is profound evil and evil intent at work here."

He goes onto to list the various items hidden in the thousand-plus-page bill -- that most of your representatives may not read!:

Pg 59 HC Bill lines 21-24 Government will have direct access to your banks accounts for electronic funds transfer.

Pg 170 Lines 1-3 Any NONRESIDENT Alien is exempt from individual taxes (Americans will pay).

Pg 203 Line 14-15 HC - “The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax.” Yes, it says that.

PG 430 Lines 11-15 The government will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life.

Pg 770 SEC 1714 Federal Government mandates eligibility for State Family Planning Services. Abortion and State Sovereign.

This is too critical and bizarre to actually be happening in our country and with a segment of the population attracted to this.

As of this writing, the so-called Blue Dog Democrats, who up until now were resistant to the bill, have now conceded that they will support the bill. I believe the only caveat is that they will not submit the bill until they come back from summer recess. That means we have up until this September-October to storm your senators and congressmen to stop this bill!

If you are as disturbed about this administration's mad quest for socialized health care, then go to this website and write/call/email your representatives here.
Also, try to find out when the next town meeting your politicians will be conducting and be there and voice your concerns!

I called up my local representative and immediately got put on a list for a "phone" town call meeting.

If you want to view the bill in its entirety, go here.

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