Monday, September 29, 2008


Christian ministers threw down the gauntlet yesterday. Now we'll see whether the 54-year-old IRS regulation against ministers speaking out in politics has feet of clay. (click title for article.)

The thirty-three ministers set out this past Sunday to flaunt the ruling, seeking to generate a legal battle with the Internal Revenue Service. Ministers contend that they have a right to tell their worshipers how to vote: The IRS says that if you're tax exempt you can't make political endorsements.

I don't think anything will happen before the elections, but this is something to keenly follow after the elections. I want to see this unjust ruling put to sleep -- finally!

Imagine, trying to stifle the voice of ministers!

Imagine still, that we've accepted that as fair all this time.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


I attended the Benny Hinn Fire Conference over the weekend at East Rutherford, New Jersey. Here’s what he had to say about…


A division has begun in the body of Christ, he says, in which the Remnant of the Church is being removed from those who would call themselves Christian and are not.

There is an increase of “another gospel” coming into the church, in which some noted ministers have pushed out the central core issue of the gospel (the cross) – and when that happens, they open themselves up to demonic influence and a mixture of truth and error emanates from the pulpit.

This mixture, he says, began with the Seeker-Friendly module of watering down the truth to appeal to the masses. That mixture now has become too prevalent in the church, to the point that even noted ministers (some speaking on Larry King’s TV program) deny that Jesus is the only way to God.

God will not bring the greater anointing to those Christians still immersed in the mixture.

[On a related issue, he refers to a survey that showed that among those who call themselves Pentecostals a diminished 43% of them speak in tongues. Meanwhile, in the Baptist camp there has been a rise to 57% of those who speak in tongues.]


He laments that at a time when Islam is losing its grip in the Arab world, due to the rise of underground Christian evangelism and other factors, Islam is gaining in appeal in the West. However, he does say that the “present regime in Iran (headed by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) will fall due to the strength of the underground conversions.”


Hinn refers to a conversation he had with the late evangelist Bill Bright, in which Bright said that “Judgment will fall on America.”

But during that time, when conditions in the world become worse and worse, the remnant will become prominent in His anointing (Isaiah 60). Though there will be a “falling away” from the truth, the remnant will remain strong.

Therefore, this is no more time for games in our walk as Christians. We’re coming to a time, also prophesied by Matt Sorger, that the church will be able to walk in such power, that all who come for healing will be healed, that all who come for deliverance will be delivered, that the anointing that you carry will be unlike anything we’ve ever carried before. “You will see that in America,” says Hinn.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Fast on the heals of our previous urgent call for prayer comes this appeal from the Elijah List website for prayer against a possible terrorist attack on the United States. As we had expressed in our last post, it seems that there are many key Christian leaders all coalescing together for a strong appeal to pray to divert disaster on many fronts: financially, militarily, politically.

This latest warning, issued by Mary Glazier, Alaska member of the ACPE (Apostolic Counsel of Prophetic Elders), was verified and endorsed by Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs and Steve Shultz.

In essence, Glazier says that she and key intercessors have an "alarming sense that we (the U.S.) are about to, or may experience, a terrorist attack that will launch our nation into a season of deep mourning." She also sensed a "tremendous weight" on her heart and a feeling that "a significant death was possible to happen -- if the body (of Christ) does not pray!"

Significantly, it's important to note that prayer can prevent these disasters from occurring. Once again, we're calling on all believers to pray earnestly.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


It's like you're walking down a busy Manhattan street and everywhere you look there are blaring alarms going off. Emergency vehicles pass you by. You don't know where to turn. You don't know what to do. However, your heartbeat races and you sense a grave, uneasy expectation of doom and horror about you.

You look up and see the first terrorist plane that hit the World Trade Center. You're not expecting another, but another comes. You think it's over and it becomes worse. The towers become engulfed in flames. Innocent victims fall to their deaths, attempting to flee the fiery horror. Then the mighty towers fall completely and disintegrate into hot ash and steel heap.

That's a physical way of describing what I sense spiritually is happening. There presently seems to be a convergence of Christian Leaders' voices all shouting alarm! I never sensed such a grave urgency for prayer before us on so many fronts like this. Yet, in prayer tragedy can be averted!

We've already discussed the dire circumstances the U.S. finds itself in, as to which direction this nation will proceed after this presidential season. Prophetic Intercessor Julie Meyer senses a call for the body of Christ to cry out for mercy over this land, to move God's hand in sparing this nation from consequences of our own behavior.

Greed on Wall Street has brought the financial institution to the brink of collapse, starting earlier this year when speculators gambled away America's interests and pocketed record profits from the meteoric rise in gas and oil prices. And, now the Federal Government has to step in to bail out our financial institutions to the tune of $700 billion.

Prophet Cindy Jacobs says this:

During a January worship service, the Lord spoke to me, ”Cindy, the strongman over America doesn’t live in Washington D.C.the strongman lives in New York City! Call together my people to pray for the economy.”

The Lord said: ”October 29 was Black Tuesday, the day the stock market crashed, and Satan wants to do it again!”—the economy will crash without effective, fervent intercession.

Shaken to the core at this word from the Lord, I knew that I must call the people of God to converge in New York City the week of October 29 for an emergency prayer rally to cry out against economic collapse in the midst of shaking.

The toppled Soviet Union seems on the verge of resurrection, as Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded nearby Georgia last month seeking its oil pipeline. The United States did nothing, but issue a condemnation. Probably because the United Stated did nothing, Russia is now beginning to flex its muscles in America's backyard by sending warships to Latin America -- for the first time since the Cold War ended.

CBN's Pat Robertson issued this warning:

Russia’s vicious dismemberment of the tiny nation of Georgia is the beginning of an unfolding sequence of Russian aggression. At present, pipelines from Siberia that run through Russia supply the majority of natural gas and oil used by Western Europe and Ukraine. A pipeline from the Caspian Sea has been bringing one million barrels a day of non-Russian oil through Georgia to Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea. Russia wants to control all of those vital pipelines.

Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, is only 578 miles from Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. Russia has helped neighboring Iran build its two aggressive nuclear facilities. Georgia and Iraq are now sandwiched between the dictatorships of Russia and Iran. The Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, seems to want to dominate Caspian oil and Persian Gulf oil to add to Russia’s own enormous supplies of oil and gas. If he succeeds, Russia will gain a stronghold over the economies of most of the world and can then act to bring America to its knees.

Robertson also warns that with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad pronouncing destruction to Israel while building a nuclear arsenal, Israel may very well have to engage in a preemptive military strike against Iran -- probably in the window of opportunity between U.S. Election Day and the inauguration of the new president.

Incidentally, I saw Ahmadinejad haranguing on TV today against the U.S. and Israel. This Hitler-wannabe said that the U.S. was on the verge of collapse and was responsible for all global economic problems. I don't know why we let him set foot on the U.S.

Anyway, I do hope that we can remain prayerfully steadfast against all that the U.S. and the world is presently facing. I believe what Cindy Jacobs believes:

For the Lord says, I am answering your prayers and have begun the cleansing of Wall Street; exposing the wickedness and greed in high places. Pray now, and I will begin to give the leaders of the nation wisdom on how to re-vamp and reverse the debtor system currently in place. This is a course correction. If you do not pray at this time, you will miss your day of visitation and the economy will collapse, causing a ripple effect that will sweep the nations with a major tsunami wave.

This wave will begin to touch the ground, as even the harvests of the world will be affected. Food shortages, hyper-inflation, and other sorrows, especially affecting the poor will take place.
However, the Lord says, if my people respond and fall on their face and cry out at this time with a mighty cry, I will hear them and heal their lands.

Hear, o nations of the earth! Respond with weeping and travail and pray for the stock markets and economic systems. Pray for your leaders as well for the earth is in the throes of a deep shaking at this moment for the systems of the earth must be reformed.

Do not despair and think that I cannot heal—that I will not hear your crying to Me from My throne in heaven. My ear is carefully listening for your sound so I will reverse the curse and bring a blessing upon your lands.

Monday, September 22, 2008


There is spiritual warfare over this nation, as to which course the nation will follow in the next four years.

The last time this nation's destiny severely hung in the balance was during the presidential election of 2000. At the time, the spiritual atmosphere was so volatile, the odds were so high, that the attempt to overturn the election of George Bush through the Florida recount was reduced to a bizarre televised spectacle of election officials counting and recounting dangling, pregnant, and swinging chads.

Thank God that Bush was elected. For all that President Bush is now criticized about, we need to give him his due on two key issues:

1) We have had a proactive president who took the offensive in the war on terror, to the point that we have not had a terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11. His quick military response broke up the momentum and the organizational structure of Al Qaeda. Had he not done so, or if we had an inferior, weak-willed president, there may have been grave consequences for this nation.

2) The other benefit of electing President Bush is that he selected two pro-life Supreme Court Justices.

Make no mistake: The U.S. is again undergoing a titanic spiritual struggle. And it all revolves around the very real potential of undoing the thirty-five year-old, death culture on America imposed by the Supreme Court abortion ruling of Roe V Wade!

This is why the liberal media and democratic supporters of abortion have made Republican Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin a lightning rod of the most vicious and vile attacks imaginable. Palin not only symbolizes to the left a pro-life candidate, but she literally embodies a rejection of the two most common reasons for an abortion: out-of-wedlock teenagers (her 17-year-old, unmarried daughter Bristol is pregnant and will carry the child to term) and birth defects (Sarah chose life for her down syndrome baby Trig).

She also symbolizes to the left a rejection of the liberal insistence that one must be pro-choice in order to be a feminist. So, here she is, she's doing it all: working a career, raising a family, and Pro-Life! This is why the attacks against Palin have been so severe.

Now, once again, during this presidential election season this nation finds itself in the throes of a monumental struggle for its soul and moral underpinnings.

Now let's put abortion is some kind of historical context. Since 1973, when abortion became legal, there have been over 52 million abortions! Did you realize that:

• six million Jewish lives were lost in the Holocaust;
• 20 million lives were lost in World War 2;
• the population of Canada is 33 million people.

We're talking about 52 million innocent lives lost! How many Billy Grahams, Jonah Salks, Albert Einsteins have been snuffed out?

Prophetic Revivalist Matt Sorger gave a prophetic word about overturning Roe V Wade during a Texas church service in 2006. The word specifically addressed the fact that Texas was integral in the fulfillment of the word. However, we couldn't quite figure out why.

We speculated that perhaps it's because President Bush was from, that didn't seem to fit.

Then we discovered that the original plaintiff in the case, Norma McCorvey ("Jane Roe") filed her suit, after claiming she was raped and desired an abortion, in the state of Texas.

But there is an even better reason to understand the significance of the state of Texas.

A few years ago, Prophets Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce took a nationwide tour of the 50 states, seeking God's divine plan for each state. For Texas, now get this, the word for Texas was that it was a prophetic state, and that the Lord's purpose for Texas is this prophetic function.

So that is why Matt gave that word in Texas!

Now, let's take a look at that prophetic word from Matt Sorger and let it give you hope to see the overturn of Roe V Wade.

“I’m feeling something in the Spirit right now. There’s a key in this state to reversing Roe v. Wade. There’s a key in the heart of Texas. There’s a key in the heart of Texas that will unlock the heart of this nation back towards God. And there’s something that will come forth from this State that will help reverse the death culture that has been released over America over the last 32 years.

“So you guys are playing a key role here. And I believe spiritually, this is what I’m sensing right now. Spiritually, God has given you as inhabitants of this State the spiritual authority to decree a reversal of Roe v. Wade."

(Notice that Matt, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, has already made a decree from Texas -- without necessarily knowing about the prophetic role of Texas in God's plans.)

“There’s something in the spiritual realm, that God is giving you the authority, that as you decree the reversal of Roe v. Wade, it will move the Hand of God. That will unlock not only the heart of Texas but the heart of this nation.

“Listen to me. This is ‘right on’ in the Spirit right now. There will be something even as the intercessors, even as the spiritual authorities begin to decree reversal, reversal, reversal, of Roe v. Wade and a release of life over the heart of Texas. The heart of America will begin to pump again with the life flow of God. Wow!

“And I’m seeing a vision right now of the heart of America beginning to beat, the heart of America beginning to beat, as God revives His Revival. It’s the Spirit of Revival that’s what I’m seeing right now in the Spirit. It’s the Spirit of revival and it is connected to this heart even in the whole Roe v. Wade.

“There’s something connected between revival in America and Roe v. Wade; and you will see them happen simultaneously. You will see it happen. There will come a sweeping move of God that will begin to pump the heart of this nation again back towards God and at the same time, there’ll be life released even in the reversal of Roe v. Wade – and watch the Supreme Court!

“I knew God had destiny in Texas. I was just caught into an open vision while I stepped up to the pulpit, I was just caught up into an open vision. And I saw the body of America. And I saw the heart beginning to pump again. Just like when they take those defibrillators and they go pump! – and they electrocute the heart. God’s about to electrocute the heart of America.

“You know what I think I think we should do right now? I think we should just decree it. God’s showing it to us. I think we should just decree it. Let’s just take a few minutes. Let’s just decree it right now in the heavenlies.

“Lord, we are standing on this land, Father. And Lord, even as inhabitants of this land, Father, I thank You God, that they have the authority in the spirit realm to decree, Father, a reversal of Roe v. Wade, a reversal of the death culture in America, to see the life of God pump into our nation’s heart once again.

“And Father, we speak over the heart of Texas, and we speak life over the heart of Texas. We command the heart of Texas to be revived and to open up to the life of God, in Jesus name. And we command the heart of America to be captured by God and to begin to pump with the very life of God. We decree it Father. We decree a reversal of Roe v. Wade.

“Father, we decree a reversal of the death culture that has tried to wipe out a whole generation since 1973. And, Father, we decree life, life, life, life, life! Father, we decree it over the Supreme Court – life in Jesus name. Father, we decree over this State, life in Jesus name. And Father, as Texas is revived, so let the nation of America be revived."

In this nation's Declaration of Independence are these words: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

...Among these are LIFE!

[Incidentally, Norma McCorvey of Roe V Wade fame became a born-again Christian and is presently seeking the overturn of the infamous case she started.]

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Charges Dropped Against Legend Jerry Lewis

King of Comedy Jerry Lewis got good news today, when a judge dismissed a firearms charge against the famed comedian for attempting to carry an unloaded concealed weapon through McCarran Internationl Airport in Las Vegas last July.

Lewis claimed that it was an innocent enough oversight, having forgotten he placed the weapon, which he received as a gift, in his travel bag over a year ago.

Well, all that's true and I'm glad for Jerry, but that's not the real reason for this post. I just wanted to spotlight a living legend who for over fifty years, when still partnered with Dean Martin, began his one-man crusade against Muscular Dystrophy -- and he's selflessly raised about a billion and a half dollars for the cause.

For that, Light Writer tips his hat off to him. 82-year-old Lewis is really the last funnyman, of note, still alive from comedy's golden era.

They don't make 'em like they used to, folks. God bless him.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I've always thought that the best way to overturn Roe V Wade, that infamous court case which ushered in over 52 million abortions since 1973, is to simply show an abortion in process. Perform an abortion openly and before elected officials. Air it on television. Show the fetus squirming before its head is crushed. Show the defenseless limp body, mangled in the aftermath of the deadly conflict. Let the whole nation see and consider. And then have those officials tell us why they feel that abortion is ethical.

If that ever happened, there would be a major outcry against abortion. But the news media, a biased enterprise that normally salivates over shocking video footage, would never touch this graphic footage for their news broadcasts. Because it would turn public opinion against something they support.

Short of that, we have Gianna Jessen, a woman who 31 years ago escaped a botched abortion and has now distributed, for this volatile election season, a Pro-Life commercial with a punch.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Prophetic Evangelist Matt Sorger came out with a timely word for the church. I have an advance copy of the full text and I'm presenting it here and now.


I feel strongly to share some things with the body of Christ as well as revisit a prophetic word the Lord gave me earlier in 2008. I feel it applies to some of the things we have seen take place within this past year as well as to where the church is at in this present moment.

A word was given to me from the Lord early in 2008 concerning the shakings that would occur in the body of Christ and what God was preparing the church for. This message was called There’s a Shaking.

I have found that each year our ministry goes through a season of transition, shifting and divine alignment around the August/September time frame. Spiritually this has always been an important time for us. It is again this year. As I wait upon the Lord I sense a new shifting taking place. I believe God will solidify some things that He has been doing. I also feel people’s hearts will go through another wave of sifting as motives, attitudes and ambitions are revealed by the Spirit of God. God can not bless selfish ambition. He can only bless the ambition to lift up the name of Jesus and make His name known. Self needs to be taken to the cross so that our spiritual foundations can be rock solid.


We must exalt and lift up the name of Jesus and Him alone. As we do, God will come in power and might and release His glorious manifest presence in our midst. Jesus longs to be glorified in the earth and He is looking for pure vessels that have been tested by fire. Pure-hearted people who will truly worship and exalt Jesus in everything they say and do, a people whose hearts are completely surrendered and given to God. God is sifting through all division within the heart and is allowing weak areas to be tested so that we will turn to Him with ALL our hearts and allow Him to fully rule upon the seat of authority within us -- our free will! As He takes rulership over every area of our heart and free will, our lives will become filled with His righteousness, peace and joy.

Here’s a prophetic word the Lord gave to me early in 2008.
It’s called There’s a Shaking.

Recently, I had a dream in which I was preaching. In this dream, I'm shouting at the top of my lungs, "Everything that can be shaken will be shaken!" And I'm saying it over and over again. "Everything that can be shaken will be shaken! Everything that can be shaken will be shaken!" I'm booming this out in my sleep and I wake up hearing myself say, "Everything that can be shaken will be shaken!"

Another word God spoke to me at the beginning of this year was that there is "A Greater Sifting" still to come in the Body of Christ. This came to me in a vision in one of our meetings. A woman was standing in the back of the sanctuary and I suddenly saw her in a vision dressed as a bride. I saw a dove coming and landing upon her. Then I saw the dove driving the bride into the wilderness.

The Lord spoke to me and said, "Tell My people not to be shaken by the shaking that's coming." If there is a faulty foundation, it will be shaken, corporately and individually. If there is something not built by the Spirit of God, it will be shaken down to its foundations. Another time, the Lord spoke to me during a meeting in Texas and said, "It's time to re-strengthen the foundations."

The Lord is going to allow everything that needs to be uncovered and stripped away to be stripped. God is shaking local houses. God is shaking the corporate church. God is shaking individual lives. He's shaking everything that has not been built by Him. We can rejoice in this because the shaking produces a deeper level of purity. When that deeper level of purity is produced, like the olives being squeezed and pressed, it produces a pure oil. And as this purity is released, we become ready for the greater glory.”

Another prophetic insight God gave me coming into 2008 can be seen in my word 12 Prophetic Signposts for 2008.

Below are the first two.

  1. God is about to invade His church. Jesus is inspecting His Father’s temple. Some tables are going to be overturned this year. Don’t be dismayed when you see this happen. It is the hand of the Lord. God is refining the inward motives of the heart. Any work done with a selfish, self-seeking motive will not survive the refining fire. Key Scriptures: Mt 21:12; 1 Cor 3:13, 4:5
  2. God is calling the church to return to and re-strengthen the foundations of our faith and personal walk with Him and our ministries. A refining fire is coming and anything not built on a foundation of love will not stand the testing. God is inspecting our works. He wants work motivated by first love, not empty activity. Some lamp stands will be removed this year. Anything not built on love will be shaken. Key Scripture: Rev 2:4-5

God truly is allowing a deep sifting to take place in many of our hearts. I have been finding myself crying out to Him during times of prayer for the light of His Spirit to shine in every area of my heart. God allows this to happen to test our quality. God cannot build with materials that have not been tested and tried. His house cannot be built with wood, hay and stubble. It must be built with solid gold and precious jewels. We become that gold as we allow the refining fires of His Spirit to purge every area of our hearts and lives. This can be a painful process, especially when God reveals to us what has been deep inside of our hearts. This process brings a purging and a cleansing. But this must happen so that we can continue to move higher in God and carry the weight of His glory upon our lives.

If we are to truly carry the substance of heaven and move in His authority and power, our hearts must be tested and true. Our hearts must come forth as pure gold. There is no quick, easy way to this. The process is the same for all of us. We must go through the fire and let God purge out everything that offends Him. We must allow the Holy Spirit to raise up the standards and set the plumb line in our personal lives and ministries. Do not be disillusioned by what you see happening in the body of Christ. Don’t be shaken by the shaking. Don’t let it rob you of your confidence in God and your faith and trust in Him. Man may fail you, but God never will. Just as the Lord allowed us to learn from the mistakes of Israel, so too can we learn from the mistakes, weaknesses and even sins of others. We can learn many things.


We learn to take heed lest we also fall. We learn to humble ourselves before God and allow Him to search our own hearts, rather than pointing an accusing finger. We learn that anointing does not always equal character and that God chooses and uses imperfect vessels. We learn the importance of developing character and personal integrity in order to run the race for the long haul. We learn that gifting can not take precedence over character. We learn that the enemy is truly looking for people to seize upon and devour. We learn that we must take every precaution and shut every open door to the enemy in our lives. We learn that we must deal even with the small cracks in our foundation. If we don’t, the enemy will eventually find his way in to steal, kill and destroy. The only thing that will keep us for the long haul is a life of daily surrender, hiding His word in our hearts, staying filled with the Spirit, having a sense of both love and awe for God as well as keeping our lives open for godly counsel and input.

We learn that the church must be baptized in such a deep Christ like love, that we can be transparent with one another and truly reach out for help when help is needed, rather than placing people on untouchable pedestals that set them up for a fall. We learn the importance of having sound, solid doctrine and theology. Not only is it enough to have personal integrity. But we must also have our lives deeply rooted in God’s word so that we can rightly discern and divide the word of God. We learn the power of the simplicity of the gospel and keeping first things first: that Jesus died on a cross, was buried and was then raised from the dead for our salvation and has given us the wonderful Holy Spirit to empower us to live the life He has called us to live. We learn to keep the gospel centered on Jesus and keep the word as our solid foundation. We learn that we must never get puffed up with pride and think more of ourselves than we are.

As I said, we can learn a lot!


As we draw near to God, allowing Him to search our hearts, I encourage you to remove every unnecessary distraction from your life. Technology can be great and used for many useful things. However, it also has a way of making our lives busier than ever before. With cell phones, text messaging, emails and more, it’s easy for our minds to become so cluttered that we are no longer hearing the still small voice of God speaking to our hearts. I recently made a decision not to get emails through my cell phone. When I first set my phone up to monitor my emails it seemed like a helpful thing, until I became addicted to looking at my cell phone 24/7. When I woke up in the morning the first thing I would do is check my emails. At night before bed, checking emails. During prayer time, checking emails. One day I realized that my relationship with God was being affected. So I decided to simplify and limit my email viewing to my office computer. About a week after not receiving emails through my cell phone I realized my mind was clearer, my prayer time much less disturbed and my spirit more sensitive to God’s Spirit. Whatever your clutter may be, clear it out of the way so you can build a strong relationship with God.


With the rise and fall of many public figures and Christian ministers, we need to embrace the biblical perspective of accountability and restoration. In a day where it seems biblical standards and morals are being tossed out the window and we are finding our Christian “heroes” aren’t as heroic as we thought, we must ask ourselves the question, “What should our response be?” While working through feelings of disappointment, confusion, betrayal, sadness and even anger, we must rise to the occasion and respond in true godliness. I have spoken with several major leaders in the body of Christ, each with different personalities, temperaments and responses. Some say “Off with their head! It’s about time that heretic was exposed!” While others say “We need to love and embrace and let them know we care.” But what does the Bible say? It is clear that a standard of holiness, integrity and accountability needs to be upheld at all costs. But at the same time, our hearts must be for personal restoration in life of the fallen believer. While we uphold truth, we never stop loving, praying and bringing godly correction where needed. Scripture gives us a very clear guideline for our response. Galatians 6:1-5. You should read it. It instructs that those who are spiritual should set him right and restore him with out a sense of superiority, lest you also be tempted. It’s easy to point a finger. But you always have three pointing back at yourself. We are to help carry one another’s troublesome moral faults and scrutinize our own conduct. Another person’s failure should cause you to search your own heart. If it doesn’t, that’s a good indication that you are operating in spiritual pride.

While we hold a person to a standard of righteousness, we also believe for God to bring restoration through true heartfelt repentance. We need to hold each other accountable in love, not a condemning spirit. Remember, the measure of judgment you give out to others is what will come back to you (Matt. 7:2). That being said, ministers who open doors to the enemy and influence the body of Christ in sinful ways need to sit down and allow God to sort through the issues of their heart. Something needs to be said when a major public figure goes through a time of personal devastation in an area of morality and simply continues on with their public ministry. Something is wrong here folks. Wrong examples are being set and Christians are starting to believe, well if my husband or wife doesn’t suit me anymore, I will just turn them in for a new one and carry on. Is any body else shaking their heads in disbelief like I am? I am all for restoration. But there needs to be acknowledgment of wrong first and a sense of heartfelt repentance. Not, “My best days are yet ahead.” God help us. We really do need a revival of the fear of the Lord.


Allow the Holy Spirit in this time to search your heart in a new, fresh way. Allow Him to expose any areas of weakness and any open doors or cracks in your foundation. Allow Him to truly deal with the root issues within your heart so the enemy can have no legal access way. As you spend time in His word and presence, I believe many will find healing from past offenses as bitterness and anger are repented of and turned away from. Many will find freedom from besetting sins as you take the measures you need to take to cut sin out of your life. Many will find freedom from the devil’s lies as your mind is soaked in God’s word. Many will find areas of their soul being restored as pains from the past are released and new life enters into you. Total healing and freedom require deep surrender of the heart to God to allow Him into every area. But as God causes your foundation to be solid and your heart to be as pure gold, you will be empowered to carry a new weight of His glory on your lives. Prepare yourself for His coming. Expect Him to draw near in your private prayer time. With a strong foundation of integrity, character and a deep relationship with God, there will be no limits to where God can take you!

McCAIN -- OBAMA? Which for Christians?

Keep an eye on Matt Sorger. Matt is my favorite Christian leader. Matt, a prophetic evangelist who is based in Long Island, NY, is being called to become more and more prominent in the world's scene. In this video, Matt calls upon the Christian community to vote for righteousness this coming presidential election.

I really love this video, because it's a call to action for those who want to see righteousness invade the land -- something that IS POSSIBLE!!

Don't be settled in your mind, thinking that the way it's always been will always be. Or, that Satan has too much power to see any change for the good.


It's that mindset that needs to go! God wants to invade the land with His glory. It's coming! It's on the way!

We can see in this generation a reversal away from sin and toward the preeminence of God. But you need to join the cause in hope, faith and prayer.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


The campaign of Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama, as promised, came out swinging against opponent John McCain, and ended up giving itself a kick in the stomach. In this new Obama campaign video, McCain is ridiculed for neither knowing how to use a computer nor how to send emails.

But the reason McCain doesn't use a computer at all is because of the injuries he sustained as a Prisoner of War fighting for our country. The severe injuries prevents him from tying his shoes, combing his hair, or typing on a keyboard.


Perhaps this is one of the indicators prophesied by Dutch Sheets, in which he stated that beginning in the month of September God was going to begin lifting off the "cords of confusion" off the presidential election.

Friday, September 12, 2008


It didn't take long for the media hounds to take hold of that YouTube video (previously mentioned and shared on this blog -- see below) of Alaska Gov Sarah Palin speaking at her former Assembly of God church in Wasilla, Alaska. In essence, ABC's Charlie Gibson takes her to task about her faith in, and statements about, God; in relation to the war on terror.

But thank God for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. In the above video, Newt puts the whole episode in perspective, during a recent appearance on Hannity and Colmes. Newt, the articulate historian with keen insight on the the world's scene, was always my top choice for president.

His grasp of U.S. history puts Palin's comments into proper context. Watch this video and see just how much we as a nation have grown disdainfully towards God.

By the way, I have an autographed copy of Newt's book, Rediscovering God in America. In it, Newt takes the reader on a tour of historical monuments in Washington, D.C. And there's no escaping it: God has always been a big part of our nation's history. It's so unfortunate that so little of the truth about God in American history is known in our school's today.

But I did my part! I gave a copy of the book to my friend's twelve-year-old and suggested that he read that book for a book report. And, he did a great job, getting a good grade.

Now how do we get that information into the hands of all schools?

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Prophetic Intercessor Dutch Sheets came out with a major prophetic word for the month of September, 2008. It speaks specifically about the matter I was most concerned about: confusion in the nation (politically) and in the church (post-Lakeland). And there's a part in it that reminded me about what Prophetic Revivalist Matt Sorger had prophesied last year.

Let's first check out this word by Dutch. Here's good news. Read this and pray along with it, expecting God to move on our behalf.

Get Ready for September! It is so huge on God’s timetable that it will mark one of the greatest shifts in the spiritual realm our generation has ever seen:

* A season of suddenlies will begin

* The confusion and deception ruling America (including within the Church) will begin to lift

* The November elections will shift toward God’s will

* The coming great awakening to America will go to a new level

* The “presence movement” will begin

A Season of Suddenlies
I have heard of divine “suddenlies” all my life and have no doubt experienced a few. However, I have never been in what I would call a season of suddenlies. I’m in one now! And this new season is about to break forth in a significant way for those who have allowed God to prepare them for it. I was already releasing this word when Chuck Pierce prophesied to me two weeks ago, “you will stand on the steps facing The Mall (in Washington DC) in September and decree ‘suddenlies are coming!’ Be prepared for I will begin to jar and to rearrange what needs to be rearranged.”

This season will usher in many changes -- get ready!

Confusion and Deception Broken
The level of confusion and deception I have seen over America the last two years—both in the Church and without—has been unlike anything I have ever witnessed. The level of it, especially in the body of Christ, has truly been shocking to me. The list of areas in which it has manifested is broad: presidential candidate endorsements and prophecies; doctrinal error; relational breakups; disagreements over what is true and false revival; etc. Add to this list a general weariness, complacency (one well known leader told me he doesn’t think it matters anymore who is elected president—so much for shifting the Supreme Court!), disillusionment, disorientation, etc. and it all adds up to incredible confusion and deception. I believe it is all linked to our war in Iraq, which is ancient Babylon. Babylon, of course, means “confusion.” It was not difficult for us to defeat Iraq’s physical army, but the principality—the spirit of Babylon—has been another story altogether.

Just a couple of weeks ago, however, I heard the Holy Spirit very clearly say to me, “I’m about to unravel the cords of confusion.” When I heard this I had the sense that it would begin in September. In 2 Chronicles 20, God used Israel’s worship to “ambush” their enemies. The result was that these enemies destroyed one another! Expect the confusion to break off of the church this fall for and God’s enemies to be ambushed.

The November Elections
To say it has been troubling to listen to prominent Christian leaders endorse certain candidates and/or prophesy that it is God’s will for those candidates to be president would be an understatement. Make no mistake about it, the turning of the Supreme Court and reversing the flow of death and anti-God laws that have flowed out of it is still god’s number one governmental agenda for America. To elect a pro-abortion candidate that would appoint pro-abortion judges would be disastrous and could set us back 50 years. It doesn’t matter who prophecies or states otherwise—don’t be deceived by this. It is NOT God’s will for us to have a liberal, pro-abortion president!

I listened to one of the presidential candidates make a speech four years ago and heard one of the strongest abilities for deceiving and moving the masses I’ve ever witnessed. The strength of this “gift” was very scary. I knew then he would be a candidate for president in ’08. The good news is that the deception surrounding him will begin to break in September and the momentum of the elections will be decided at that time – if the church prays. Please pray diligently, and don’t be taken in by charisma and empty promises of change.

The Presence Movement
The coming awakening will not be known as a prayer movement, apostolic movement, prophetic movement, teaching movement, miracle movement, gifts movement, glory movement, etc. It will include all of these but the dominant emphasis and characteristic will be His presence. He-- not one of His manifestations or elements of gifting – will be the focal point.

What a refreshing word. Well, Dutch isn't one to be beating around the bush, is he? Who do you think he wants you to vote for?

Now here's an interesting sidebar. You read where Dutch talks about a Presence Movement, in which the presence of God will be ever more noticeable in our daily lives? I recall that Matt gave a similar word last year.

Let's review Matt's word now:


MATT SORGER: Mark this night. Mark this night. For you are crossing over tonight. I say the day is not at hand. I say the day is here. I say it’s not a time yet to come. But I say today is the day, this is the hour and this is the place – oh, for you my people. I’ve heard the prayers. I’ve heard the cries. Yes, I’ve heard the prayers. I’ve seen the cries, and I am here – I’ve come. I’ve come into your midst.

Now is the time, this is the place for you. For even this night, I’ve chosen this place to be a house of My glory. For the Lord says you have not entered into a house tonight that has been built by the hands of man. The Lord says you’ve entered into a house – a habitation of My Spirit.

So many in this hour, they’re looking out into the distance and they’re saying ‘He’s coming, He’s coming, He’s coming! Revival is coming!’ But I proclaim to you tonight that the Lord is here. He’s in this house. And tonight, this is a habitation of His glory. This is a habitation of His glory tonight and I proclaim to you that a door has been opened – a door of the Lord, a door of His presence. And you can walk right through.

IT’S A NEW SEASON. IT’S A NEW SEASON. And this new season will be known as the Days of My Presence, for the Lord came in power, for the Lord came in might -- the Days of My Presence.

You’re turning around into your new season tonight. Tonight is the night of the turnaround. The Lord is turning around all things. I prophesy a turning around of your walk with God. You’re turning around right into your new season tonight. This is a season of a new history for the Church.

We’ve entered a new season that will be called the Days of His Presence. And the Lord said the gatherings of His people will be marked by unusual manifestations of God’s presence. When His people gather, there’ll be an unusual awareness of His presence in their midst. When two or more gather together there’ll be an unusual sense of My presence. Gatherings will begin to be marked with this touch of God, this touch of Heaven.


As a reminder, Dutch will be one of three invited speakers at Matt Sorger's upcoming Apostolic and Prophetic Conference, Oct 30-Nov 1, 2008, Islandia, NY. The other leaders joining Matt will be Prophetess Jane Hamon, and Robert Stearns of Eagles Wings.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Who would the world vote for in this upcoming U.S. presidential election? Well, the BBC has polled the world, and -- hold everything, folks! -- the world says they want Sen Barack Obama!

Well, thank God, they can't vote in our elections -- unless, of course, they're illegal immigrants!

Democrat Obama was favored by a four-to-one margin across the 22,500 people polled in 22 countries.

But, I will tell you why the world would want Obama over Sen John McCain. And it's a very simple answer -- Obama would weaken U.S. power and prestige in the world and reduce us to an impotent country the world could lead by the nose. Obama is more of an internationalist than he is a nationalist. His world view would call for dialogue with terrorist groups and nations, and for international consensus before proceeding with U.S. defense interests.

McCain, on the other hand, would defend U.S. interests over the world's objections.

But getting back to the world: this is the same world, mind you, that still can't agree on who attacked the U.S. on 9/11! Yep, that's right! There's another poll that came out suggesting that the world is still divided over the question. The survey of 16,063 people in 17 nations found majorities in only nine countries that believe al Qaeda was behind the attacks on New York and Washington that killed about 3,000 people in 2001. Egypt suggests Israel was responsible. Mexico blames the U.S. Government. And one out of every four polled didn't have a clue.

This is why we don't want people outside the U.S. to vote in our elections!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


This other video will show God's prophetic word to Prophet Julie Meyer about the Vice Presidency. This was uploaded onto YouTube in May 2008, months before the candidacy of Sarah Palin was announced. It seems to me that the prophetic word refers to Sarah!

The other aspect of this prophetic word is that we as Christians
must pray! -- in order for God's will to be done! It's always a question of praying God's will into existence; "let thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!"

And, voting wouldn't hurt either!


This is why we need to vote for McCain-Palin and to pray for this important election. This video will show you where Gov Sarah's heart's for Jesus! and for Revival!

Monday, September 8, 2008


HERE'S PROPHETIC REVIVALIST MATT SORGER giving Christians a healthy push to become more involved in our nation's interests.


Do you realize that for generations the enforcement of the so-called "Separation of Church and State" has always been the devil's tactics to silence the church to speak out against sin and the eroding of our society. This pernicious mindset has allowed society to marginalize the moral majority of this nation by not giving them a voice in elections!

And so, for generations we've seen the nation sliding into moral depravity. And, ministers of the gospel since 1954 were conveniently silenced by the US Government, insisting that if American Pastors get tax breaks, they can't speak out in political discourse. Why? This foolishness has got to stop. It is grossly unfair to prevent moral leaders from speaking out against the sin and decadence in our land. These moral leaders have the right and authority by God to speak out. Cry aloud, spare not. Lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show My people their sins (Isaiah 58:1).

Well, it appears that the sleeping giant of a church is about to arouse out of slumber now. The Washington Post is reporting that the Alliance Defense Fund is seeking to challenge Internal Revenue Service rulings in court! Keep this in prayer. This is key strategic times for America and the expected shift for more of God in our land.

We are going to witness the greatest outpouring of God's Spirit ever to penetrate this nation. We're keenly interested in seeing Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin fulfill God's divine will for her life and the nation's. So, lots of good things to be hopeful about. And by all means VOTE McCain-Palin! They are the change that Sen Obama has called for.

We'll be talking more about the elections soon. Be blessed.


I've so enjoyed this summer here on Long Island, NY. I've found that my greatest escape -- and one that I've learned to routinely fit into my busy ministerial schedule (no matter how hectic!) -- is to go off walking along Smith Point Beach and commune with the Lord.

It has been such a source of refreshment for me: a grand mix of the waves and the Son. Nothing beats that combination! But, alas, with the passing of Labor Day, the wind seems to be getting cooler along the beach and the sunset seems to be coming earlier. You realize that the year is passing you by. Invariably, one tends to look back across the span of this year and assess how much one has accomplished. And then, to wax more introspective, one tends to assess the accomplishments one has made over the course of one's life.

I see the sun setting earlier and earlier.

What have I accomplished with my life? What do I still want to do?

The internet age in which we live has created legions of bloggers (or broadcasters) -- all in varying degrees of opinions on a wide range of subjects. And, many individuals, operating in the confines of their own home, reach the multitudes with their own two little cents worth. Now, we can all be our own little Tom Brokaw.

But the maze of confusion hanging over this nation and the church troubles me greatly. And, in my own little way, I've decided to express an opinion -- an opinion hopefully originating from God -- about the way things are, or the way things ought to be.

There's so much to say, and so little time. There's much to say about the upcoming elections and the course of this nation. So much to say about living a righteous life in an anti-biblical society. So much to say about the prophetic events leading up to the return of Jesus Christ. So much to say about what's on my mind.

And, we'll have time for fun too. Can't do without humor.

Therefore, dear reader, come back from time to time and I'm sure you'll see a fresh perspective on things that matter most to you.