Fast on the heals of our previous urgent call for prayer comes this appeal from the Elijah List website for prayer against a possible terrorist attack on the United States. As we had expressed in our last post, it seems that there are many key Christian leaders all coalescing together for a strong appeal to pray to divert disaster on many fronts: financially, militarily, politically.
This latest warning, issued by Mary Glazier, Alaska member of the ACPE (Apostolic Counsel of Prophetic Elders), was verified and endorsed by Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs and Steve Shultz.
In essence, Glazier says that she and key intercessors have an "alarming sense that we (the U.S.) are about to, or may experience, a terrorist attack that will launch our nation into a season of deep mourning." She also sensed a "tremendous weight" on her heart and a feeling that "a significant death was possible to happen -- if the body (of Christ) does not pray!"
Significantly, it's important to note that prayer can prevent these disasters from occurring. Once again, we're calling on all believers to pray earnestly.
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