Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I've always thought that the best way to overturn Roe V Wade, that infamous court case which ushered in over 52 million abortions since 1973, is to simply show an abortion in process. Perform an abortion openly and before elected officials. Air it on television. Show the fetus squirming before its head is crushed. Show the defenseless limp body, mangled in the aftermath of the deadly conflict. Let the whole nation see and consider. And then have those officials tell us why they feel that abortion is ethical.

If that ever happened, there would be a major outcry against abortion. But the news media, a biased enterprise that normally salivates over shocking video footage, would never touch this graphic footage for their news broadcasts. Because it would turn public opinion against something they support.

Short of that, we have Gianna Jessen, a woman who 31 years ago escaped a botched abortion and has now distributed, for this volatile election season, a Pro-Life commercial with a punch.

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