Tuesday, September 23, 2008


It's like you're walking down a busy Manhattan street and everywhere you look there are blaring alarms going off. Emergency vehicles pass you by. You don't know where to turn. You don't know what to do. However, your heartbeat races and you sense a grave, uneasy expectation of doom and horror about you.

You look up and see the first terrorist plane that hit the World Trade Center. You're not expecting another, but another comes. You think it's over and it becomes worse. The towers become engulfed in flames. Innocent victims fall to their deaths, attempting to flee the fiery horror. Then the mighty towers fall completely and disintegrate into hot ash and steel heap.

That's a physical way of describing what I sense spiritually is happening. There presently seems to be a convergence of Christian Leaders' voices all shouting alarm! I never sensed such a grave urgency for prayer before us on so many fronts like this. Yet, in prayer tragedy can be averted!

We've already discussed the dire circumstances the U.S. finds itself in, as to which direction this nation will proceed after this presidential season. Prophetic Intercessor Julie Meyer senses a call for the body of Christ to cry out for mercy over this land, to move God's hand in sparing this nation from consequences of our own behavior.

Greed on Wall Street has brought the financial institution to the brink of collapse, starting earlier this year when speculators gambled away America's interests and pocketed record profits from the meteoric rise in gas and oil prices. And, now the Federal Government has to step in to bail out our financial institutions to the tune of $700 billion.

Prophet Cindy Jacobs says this:

During a January worship service, the Lord spoke to me, ”Cindy, the strongman over America doesn’t live in Washington D.C.the strongman lives in New York City! Call together my people to pray for the economy.”

The Lord said: ”October 29 was Black Tuesday, the day the stock market crashed, and Satan wants to do it again!”—the economy will crash without effective, fervent intercession.

Shaken to the core at this word from the Lord, I knew that I must call the people of God to converge in New York City the week of October 29 for an emergency prayer rally to cry out against economic collapse in the midst of shaking.

The toppled Soviet Union seems on the verge of resurrection, as Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded nearby Georgia last month seeking its oil pipeline. The United States did nothing, but issue a condemnation. Probably because the United Stated did nothing, Russia is now beginning to flex its muscles in America's backyard by sending warships to Latin America -- for the first time since the Cold War ended.

CBN's Pat Robertson issued this warning:

Russia’s vicious dismemberment of the tiny nation of Georgia is the beginning of an unfolding sequence of Russian aggression. At present, pipelines from Siberia that run through Russia supply the majority of natural gas and oil used by Western Europe and Ukraine. A pipeline from the Caspian Sea has been bringing one million barrels a day of non-Russian oil through Georgia to Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea. Russia wants to control all of those vital pipelines.

Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, is only 578 miles from Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. Russia has helped neighboring Iran build its two aggressive nuclear facilities. Georgia and Iraq are now sandwiched between the dictatorships of Russia and Iran. The Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, seems to want to dominate Caspian oil and Persian Gulf oil to add to Russia’s own enormous supplies of oil and gas. If he succeeds, Russia will gain a stronghold over the economies of most of the world and can then act to bring America to its knees.

Robertson also warns that with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad pronouncing destruction to Israel while building a nuclear arsenal, Israel may very well have to engage in a preemptive military strike against Iran -- probably in the window of opportunity between U.S. Election Day and the inauguration of the new president.

Incidentally, I saw Ahmadinejad haranguing on TV today against the U.S. and Israel. This Hitler-wannabe said that the U.S. was on the verge of collapse and was responsible for all global economic problems. I don't know why we let him set foot on the U.S.

Anyway, I do hope that we can remain prayerfully steadfast against all that the U.S. and the world is presently facing. I believe what Cindy Jacobs believes:

For the Lord says, I am answering your prayers and have begun the cleansing of Wall Street; exposing the wickedness and greed in high places. Pray now, and I will begin to give the leaders of the nation wisdom on how to re-vamp and reverse the debtor system currently in place. This is a course correction. If you do not pray at this time, you will miss your day of visitation and the economy will collapse, causing a ripple effect that will sweep the nations with a major tsunami wave.

This wave will begin to touch the ground, as even the harvests of the world will be affected. Food shortages, hyper-inflation, and other sorrows, especially affecting the poor will take place.
However, the Lord says, if my people respond and fall on their face and cry out at this time with a mighty cry, I will hear them and heal their lands.

Hear, o nations of the earth! Respond with weeping and travail and pray for the stock markets and economic systems. Pray for your leaders as well for the earth is in the throes of a deep shaking at this moment for the systems of the earth must be reformed.

Do not despair and think that I cannot heal—that I will not hear your crying to Me from My throne in heaven. My ear is carefully listening for your sound so I will reverse the curse and bring a blessing upon your lands.

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