Friday, October 31, 2008
It doesn't matter what TV's political pundits are saying over who's winning the election, we know that God will be casting His vote next Tuesday as to who He wants in office.
It was a kairos moment for this nation and it all centered at the Marriott Hotel in Islandia, NY, where three top named Christian leaders converged in a spiritual onslaught against the demonic forces keeping revival from occurring in the nation.
The forces include witchcraft and spiritism.
The road to Washington, DC (with the overturn of Roe V Wade and the victory of a born-again and Spirit-filled candidate Sarah Palin) first starts in New York! Why? Because there was a spiritual hindrence in this state that prevented, up to now, a victory in the elections. Upstate New York, it turns out, was the starting point for demonic forces being unleashed from spiritism. Until that demonic stronghold was vanquished, there would be no holding back Satan's strategy for the election -- a Barack win.
Dutch Sheets didn't know why he was there on Long Island. He always seeks the Lord as to where he should accept invitations. It wasn't until he got there at the conference that it became apparent that he was there because a spiritual shifting was about to take place over the region, and in turn over the nation.
Dutch was joined with New York based evangelist and host of the conference Matt Sorger and by prophet Jane Hamon. Strong spiritual warfare and intercession was pronounced by the trio -- each being inspired by God for this titanic political battle.
With the McCain-Palin win at the White House, the nation will enter into a era of unprecedented revival -- such as we've never seen before. Dutch says that there will come a time when a televised sporting event will witness a miraculous healing of a man's legs -- and many will turn to God.
I have more to report about this, but I can't go into all details now. But suffice it to say that McCain-Palin will win this election -- but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't do your part and vote.
Dutch has also stated, what I've also believed, that Palin will one day be our president too.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Well, I'm off to the Apostolic and Prophetic Open Heavens Conference with Matt Sorger, Dutch Sheets, Jane Hamon and Robert Stearns. I'll be away for a few days -- but I know that this conference will release something in the Spirit. I'm anticipating a shift to take place nationally and politically, as well as in the church.
I'm going to try to update you on important things that come out of the meetings -- if I can get to a computer.
Other than that, I thought you'd enjoy listening to Lee Greenwood's God Bless the USA. This past summer I was vacationing with Matt Sorger and a few others in Florida, and we attended a July 4th fireworks display at Tigers Stadium. One of the highlights of the night was the playing of Lee Greenwood's inspiring classic -- each of us, Matt included, sensed an anointing on the song and we were so encouraged about what God is doing in this land.
Enjoy and be inspired.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

There's so much chicanery and shiftiness revolving around Barack Obama, the liberal media and the democratic party that W.C. Fields should be the honorary Democratic Party symbol.
Everywhere you look, we're watching finely executed chicanery, the sort of which we haven't seen since Professor McGonagle's medicine show.
How is it possible that a large segment of America is fawning over Obama? With the execution of a snake oil salesman he has deftly sidestepped accusations of his socialistic leanings and associations with terrrorist friends. What's shocking is that some of his socialistic "income redistribution" rhetoric to "spread the wealth around" even appeals to some segments of the country.
W.C. Fields joked to a politician, "I voted for you -- five times!" ACORN has taken that to heart with a nationwide strategy to get any disenfranchised to vote -- and to vote often (check out this video on ACORN'S abuses as cited in TV news). I cringe over the early voting in Ohio and other states with fraudulently cast votes, where no penalty against the ACORN reps occurred! Where is the outcry over this stark infringement over the integrity of our electoral process?
Where is integrity anywhere in this year's presidential campaign? And, did you hear the latest? The Los Angeles Times has a video in its possession that shows Senator Obama in 2003 toasting Rashid Khalidi, former spokesperson for Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) master terrorist Yasser Arafat.
The Times is withholding this video!! -- which would certainly nail Obama as duplicitous and probably end his political chances for president. Does it only fall on the McCain camp to call this suppression? It was reported that anti-Semitic remarks were uttered at that function and that unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers was also present.
Can you say "Got cha?"
The sheer hubris of the Times and the sheer injustice of its decision is without precedent. But we're living in the times that the Bible forewarns us about: a time when people call "evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isa 5:20 KJVR)
If Obama has nothing to hide and if he has any integrity, he'd be the first one to demand that the video be released.
Fat chance! It's one week before the election. Pray and vote.
Monday, October 27, 2008
A seven-year-old radio broadcast of Barack Obama was unearthed recently and it presents more details of an Obama administration's planned CHANGEover to a socialistic society. Obama, in this Chicago Public Radio interview, methodically explains the best way to "redistribute wealth."
In a more recent TV interview with Obama's running mate, Joe Biden, Florida's anchorwoman Barbara West finally challenged the democratic candidate about Obama's socialistic leanings. Biden flipped out -- not having been prepared for a tough questioner.
I'm sure that the John McCain campaign will capitalize on this theme in the short few days left for this campaign.
All things -- in the natural -- look bleak for the republicans. But it also looked bleak for the Israelites when they were chased to the River Nile by hoarding Egyptians.
It will probably take God's intervention to see a McCain-Palin win. But that's just so we know that God gets the glory.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Looking forward to the revival in America -- this video should whet your appetite! This is put out by Matt Sorger Ministries. Oh, the anointing and glory that is so richly evident in MSM meetings.
Make it a point to come on out to the latest MSM conference -- for such a time as this. Matt welcomes special guests Dutch Sheets (who has been front and center in wanting to see righteousness come to America!), Prophet Jane Hamon, & Robert Stearns. Full details here.
Friday, October 24, 2008
The Andy Griffith Show meets The Twilight Zone in this new video put out by Ron "Opie" Howard. Oh, how I wish you didn't do this Opie! But in this video, icons of TV nostalgia, Ron Howard, Andy Griffith and Henry Winkler, perverted the memory of their homespun characterizations from small-town yesteryear by openly supporting the most unpatriotic presidential candidate ever -- Barack Obama.
With his wife who professed that only in her middle age has she finally become "proud" of our country to his so-far-to-the-left-he's-nearer-to-Moscow idealogy, Obama would never have had votes cast by Opie, Andy or the Fonz.
Could you imagine -- in your wildest dreams -- the townsfolk of Mayberry supporting Obama or his policies? Can you imagine Andy and his longtime sweetheart Helen Crump contemplating a late-term abortion?
Can you imagine Opie canvassing for ACORN for fraudulent voter registrations?
Can you imagine Floyd the barber's (just like Joe the plumber's) incredulity as Obama tells Floyd he wants to "spread his wealth around"?
Can you imagine Otis the town drunk becoming the Obama-appointed recipient of Floyd's "wealth"?
Can you imagine Andy and Barnie's girlfriends, Helen and Thelma Lou, double dating -- but without Andy and Barnie?
Can you imagine Aunt Bee faithfully going to church services listening to Obama's pastor Jeremiah Wright?
Can you imagine Private First Class Gomer Plye shouting "Shazam!" when Obama talks to him about weakening the U.S. military.
Can you imagine Deputy Barnie Fife sifting through the debris after a bombing by Obama's unrepentent terrorist friend Bill Ayers?
No, Opie, you and your TV icons were loved for your faithfulness to family and country; and it's a sad commentary on today's Hollywood as most of you reject the morals and decency that all of you once portrayed in a day gone by.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sarah Palin knew it was going to be tough-going with press criticism, but who knew it would be this outrageously deceitful. Check out the above video from CNN (about 1:30 in), in which Drew Griffin sandbags Palin with an inaccurate statement. He misquotes an article from the conservative National Review, claiming that the author Byron York called her "incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt."
The only problem was that York was defending Palin against a hostile press, who presents her in this fashion. His direct quote from the article is here:
Watching press coverage of the Republican candidate for vice president, it’s sometimes hard to decide whether Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt, backward, or — or, well, all of the above. Palin, the governor of Alaska, has faced more criticism than any vice-presidential candidate since 1988, when Democrats and the press tore into Dan Quayle.
CNN was unapologetic in its distortion.
Orson Scott Card is a Democrat and a newspaper columnist, and in this opinion piece he takes on the hostile bias in the press and the state of journalism today.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Prophetic Word for the Church Given to Matt Sorger
First time anywhere -- The following prophetic and timely word was transcribed at a recent Matt Sorger service at the Hope Center in Virginia.
The Holy Spirit spoke very expressly to me tonight. When I stood in the office before coming into the room tonight I heard the inner audible voice of the Spirit of God speak to me a word. But as I sat in this seat, I was taken in the Spirit. And the Lord spoke a very clear word that I want to declare right now.
Holy Spirit said to me that He’s releasing a clear water revival. And He spoke it over and over and over again to me – clear water, clear water, clear water -- he’s releasing a clear water revival.
And He said that this move of the Spirit will not be tainted or touched by the hands of man or flesh. It will not be tainted. Listen what the word of the Lord is saying tonight because this is a very pivotal moment in the Spirit right now. The Lord said that He is releasing a clear water revival and that this move of the Spirit will not be tainted by the flesh of man.
And then He spoke to me and He said that tonight is a night of crossing over. He said that tonight the Church is crossing over into a new season. And the Lord said mark this date on your calendar. Tonight we have crossed over into a new season in the Spirit and the Lord said from this moment forward: black will become very black and white will become very white. And the Lord said He is removing the grey areas. Black will become very black and white will become very white. He said there’s coming a great polarization even within the body of Christ.
He says this very night something has been set in motion in the Spiritual realm. And it’s bigger than just this meeting. It’s over the body of Christ in
Yesterday was the Day of Atonement, the last day of the ten days of awe of the season of Rush Hashanah. And the Holy Spirit spoke to me tonight, we have crossed over, Church, into a new spiritual season. Tonight is the first night of it. We’re about to see some very dramatic things happen within the body of Christ. Listen to what I’m saying to you tonight. We’re about to see very, very dramatic things happen within the body of Christ.
And what I sense also in my heart is that there’s a new wineskin that God’s raising up; there’s a new wineskin Holy Spirit is forming. You know years ago – 14-15 years ago – Holy Spirit spoke to me that there’s a new breed that God’s raising up. See God started to prepare a new breed 14 years ago. We’re coming into a season of release right now. New wineskins are going to be released and raised up and there are going to be new apostolic works birthed in the earth. They’re already being birthed right now. And the wineskin is going to look very, very different, Church.
There are wells of revivals that God is opening up within cities right now. And I have a feeling that this word I’m speaking tonight is a whole lot bigger than what we’re seeing in this room. I’m telling you the truth.
I saw it clearly as I’ve seen anything in the spirit tonight. There is a supernatural polarization that is being loosed in the Spirit realm tonight.
And last night I was talking about the fear of Lord. For those who will come under the umbrella of the fear of the Lord in this hour, tremendous glory will be given to them. Listen to what I’m saying. Those who come under the fear of the Lord in this hour will come under tremendous glory. Hear what I’m saying.
Grey areas are about to be dealt with. There is coming a new housecleaning to the body of Christ. There is a supernatural housecleaning coming to the body of Christ. And every single grey area of compromise is about to be swept clean, because the Lord said that this is a clear water revival. This is going to be very clean and pure -- pristine water. It’s going to be unlike anything the world has ever seen before. Very pristine water: crystal clear. God has been preparing over the last 14 -15 years a new breed that will be ready to carry and flow with this move of the Spirit of God. They have been hidden away in caves. Listen to me. These vessels have been hidden away in caves. And God has been working a pure, refined heart and spirit on the inside of them. God has been working a pure, refined heart of gold on the inside of them. And God has been causing, step by step, their hearts to be turned away from the things of this world toward the things of His Spirit. Step by step God has been dealing. Step by step God has been refining. Step by step God has been causing hearts of pure gold to come forth to be prepared, so that this move of God can be sustained in the earth.
God is not looking – hear what the Spirit of the Lord says right now – God is not looking for gifted individuals. God is looking for pure, clean vessels that have been refined in the fire of God. God is not looking for your human giftedness. He is looking for pure, refined vessels that have walked through the fire of God. God is all over this tonight.
This is very, very prophetic. God’s getting the bride ready for His coming. He’s getting the bride ready for His coming. He’s calling. He’s calling. He’s calling the bride. Get your garments ready. Get your wedding dress ready.
Today I bought a ring; it’s called a purity ring. And written right on the front is the word PURITY. And on the back is the scripture Matthew chapter five. It is a prophetic sign for the body of Christ right now because the Lord’s not coming back for a harlot; He’s coming back for a bride. He’s not coming back for a harlot that’s running all around with different idols. He’s coming back for a pure, spotless, clean bride.
And I went into the word in Matthew 5 right before the service and I was reading the scripture in Matt
You are the salt of the earth. If the salt has lost its quality, quality, it’s good for nothing. Quality! God is looking for a quality believer tonight.
Then in verse eight blessed (happy, enviably fortunate, spiritually prosperous, possessing the happiness produced by the experience of God’s favor, and especially conditioned by the revelation of His grace, regardless of their outward condition, regardless of what their natural circumstances are, regardless of what they have in the natural, regardless of their outward conditions) blessed happy are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
The pure in heart: hearts refined as gold; hearts that have been through the fire; hearts that been prepared by God. Verse six, blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Many of our bibles say for they will be filled. Amplified says for they shall be completely satisfied.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (purity, cleanness) they will live a life of complete satisfaction. Completely satisfied on the inside.
It’s not about a title or a ministry. Nothing that will build the pride of man up. It’s about those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. They are the ones who will live one hundred percent complete satisfaction in their lives. They will be satisfied. They will have a life joy in their lives. A life joy is not a temporary moment of happiness because of a good circumstance in your life. A life joy is because your life has been completely filled with the righteousness of God. A deep satisfaction on the inside of you that man can’t take away, that circumstances can’t take away, and certainly the devil can’t take away.
How many here want to live a life of satisfaction. That you just have that sense of being satisfied. You’re not striving. You’re not unhappy in your moment. Listen you’ve got to learn to enjoy your moment while you’re on the way to where you’re going.
You can still have vision for the future and at the same time be completely satisfied on the inside of you. You can still have unfulfilled vision in your life and yet at the same moment live completely satisfied on the inside of you.
(Matt Sorger is a prophetic revivalist, based on Long Island, NY. Matt will be speaking at his upcoming conference OPEN HEAVENS: RELEASING THE APOSTOLIC AND PROPHETIC with special anointed speakers Dutch Sheets, Jane Hamon, Robert Stearns on Thursday, Oct 30 - Saturday, Nov 1, 2008, in Islandia (Long Island), NY. Full details are here.)
Sunday, October 19, 2008

In more than twenty-five years in covering the political news, I've never seen a more divisive Christian community over a presidential election as I have in this one. (Or, should I add that one.)
Passions are inflamed. Mindsets are dug deep. Truth is skirted. Change is demanded, even if the change of direction is downward.
But particularly jarring is the Christian community. How can the body of Jesus Christ come to such a divide over this issue? Do Christians frame this election more around a physical context than a spiritual one? It would sadly appear to be so.
We have a female vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, who is a Holy-Ghost, Spirit-filled Christian, who can conceivably bring righteousness to the White House. So, why in heaven's name would anyone in the Church of Jesus Christ vote against the Holy Spirit in the White House?
The argument for all professing Christians stops there! There should be no more debate after this question. If you are a lover of Jesus Christ, you'd want the Holy Spirit in the White House -- period! Righteousness exalts a nation (Pro 14:34).
Are you more supportive of anything in the physical realm than you are of the Spiritual? Ask yourself what should come before the Holy Spirit in the White House? Is it your economic situation? Is it charisma? (don't worry, the anti-Christ will have that too!) Is it the color of one's skin?
What is it that would hold prominence over the Holy Spirit in the White House? It's important for all Christians to check their hearts on this one. I pray God's mercy over this election. Heaven help our eyes to be opened.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Barack Obama not a U.S. citizen? Wouldn't this be great if it were so and it can be proven?
This would have to come to a head before the election tho!
Friday, October 17, 2008
The latest salvo was the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, which sided with Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner in her dispute with Republicans over voter fraud perpetuated by ACORN. Earlier in the week, a lower Ohio court ruling ordered Brunner to set up a system that would weed out fraudulent new voter registrations.
So, the Supreme Court conceivably provided the groundwork for unchecked large-scale voter fraud on Election Day. This was certainly a wrong decision by the court.
Unfortunately, there are other wrong decisions being made by conservative friends too, like Peggy Noonan and Colin Powell, both of whom are either leaning toward Barack Obama or critical of McCain-Palin.
Then, too, is the incredibly unfair coverage of the campaign by the liberal media. Then, too, is the incredibly gullible public, which would love to be seduced into change.
So, take a look at the landscape -- and it looks bleak for McCain-Palin.
But then God...
Thank God that He is a miracle-working God that can still come through for us when all else looks bleak. There is still hope for this election.
Thursday, October 16, 2008

It just seems that the thick fog is clearing away from the political landscape after Joe (the Plumber) Wurzelbacher became the featured topic in last night's presidential debate between John McCain and Barack Obama.
Joe epitomizes the middle class who are worried that Obama will tax them heavily. He became an overnight sensation recently when he appeared at an Obama rally (see video previously listed here at this site) and voiced his concern about being overly taxed.
Obama hollowly tried to appease his concern by insisting that he'll use Joe's money to "spread the wealth around." That did it! Joe may have been a Godsend.
Quite often, in order to win an election you'll need to create a simple little image that transcends the rhetoric and pierces through the campaign fog. Do you recall Presidential Candidate Mike Dukakis riding in an extra large helmut? -- that image solidified his defeat against George Bush Sr.
Joe the Plumber may very well personify the image of the little guy resentful of paying higher taxes. Joe comes across to the American public in a way that McCain hasn't been able to.
By the way, Joe's helped boost McCain in recent polls. Go Joe!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Could it be B-I-A-S?
The John McCain item is actually a DVD version of the 1987 movie Hanoi Hilton, which featured special segments of an interview with John McCain about his imprisonment during the Vietnam war.
We wouldn't want to make John McCain sound like a hero now, would we?
It does pose an interesting question: would Barack Obama serve this country as honorably as John McCain has?
Democrat Brunner, who has appealed the ruling, simply does not want to comply with a federal requirement to match new voter registration data with the information in the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Social Security Administration databases.
Now, Ohio has three days to comply with federal regulations to (1) verify the eligibility of newly registered voters and (2) make the information available to the state's 88 county election boards. And, this ruling must also refer to last week's early votes that were cast as soon as ACORN registered some democrats!
As of now, Brunner has estimated that close to 200,000 registrants, or one in every three new voters, do not match federal records and will end up on court-ordered lists.
We'll keep an eye on Ohio, shall we?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Prophet James Goll explains the reasons why that sometimes happens in a thought-provoking message entitled The Deception of the Anointing.
Using the life of Samson as an example, Goll explains that the anointing is a free gift (Romans 11:29 states that the "gifts and calling of God are without repentance"). The deception upon an individual occurs when he falls into habitual sin and he sees the gift still operating in his life! -- "Aha, I must be doing spiritually okay" is the deception.
That deception, by extension, is also spread out to others who see the anointing on someone and believe he or she is living a lifestyle to emulate.
Check out the free audio download. Although it was recorded before Lakeland, it'll help you process the Lakeland Outpouring all the more.

Smoldering Firebrand Jesse Jackson gives a heads-up about new foreign policy initiatives should Barack Obama win the White House: say goodbye to U.S. concern over Israel (click title for story).
The change that Obama is voicing will directly hit Middle East policy, where Jackson says "decades of putting Israel's interests first" would end.
Jackson believes that, although "Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades" remain strong, they'll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.
"Obama is about change," Jackson told the New York Post in a wide-ranging conversation. "And the change that Obama promises is not limited to what we do in America itself. It is a change of the way America looks at the world and its place in it."
The Obama "change" will severely derail U.S. prestige and leadership in the world.
(Since the news report came out, Jackson has backpedeled from his comments, and the Obama camp have distanced themselves from it.)
Monday, October 13, 2008
Redistribute wealth: take from the rich and give to the poor.
That's what Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama wants to do with our wealth. Take a look at this video and see how Barack wants to bring socialism into the U.S. presidency.
Here's the transcript from the meeting between Joe the plumber, of Ohio, and Barack (from Fox News):
"'Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?'" the plumber asked, complaining that he was being taxed 'more and more for fulfilling the American dream.'
'It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too,' Obama responded. 'My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.'"
CNN has asked this poll question about whether you agree that the income tax system should be used to "spread the wealth." (As of this writing, out of 6500 votes, 43% say yes, 57% say no.)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Billy Graham: The Early Years is a new film in the theaters now. It chronicles the early life of this past century's most influential evangelist -- one who is still highly esteemed as the measuring bar for all other ministries. Billy Graham's honesty, integrity and depth of commitment to the central core of the Gospel are hallmarks of his ministry -- not to mention the legions of souls he's won for the Lord. Yes, his reward is great in heaven.
You need to find out where the movie is playing in your area and make a bee line to see it with your friends. The movie industry is, after all, still a business; and if this movie does big business, you can be sure that more movies of this kind will follow. (Although, last I heard the Graham family doesn't endorse this movie, because they were not consulted about it.)
Graham proves that you can be all you can be in the Lord without falling prey to self-induced scandals. It was my great pleasure to see him at perhaps his last crusade at Flushing Meadows Park in Queens, NY, in the Summer of 2005.
By the way, this important Christian leader will be turning 90 on November 7th. You can send him a birthday wish by email here.
Graham had this Saturday (Oct 11, 2008) been released from the hospital after falling over his faithful dog, who follows Graham closely under his feet wherever he goes. Graham suffered some bruising and discomfort, but no broken bones. He's recovering well at home.
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Written by Dave Roberson, my favorite book is called The Walk of the Spirit, The Walk of Power: The Vital Role of Praying in Tongues. I try to keep a few handy just to give out to people. The last time my son came up to visit, his fiancee was so taken by the book that she went home with it.
Now, it's time for me to order a few more copies.
There are a number of reasons why I like this book so much. The whole book focuses on why we as Spirit-filled Christians ought to make it a daily practice to pray in the Spirit. So, each day I find myself quietly praying in the Spirit while I'm walking or driving or simply standing in line in the supermarket.
It describes the four basic diversities of tongues (do you know what they are?). It details why the Apostle Paul was so filled with revelation knowledge, and how you can be too. It helps you locate your "spiritual ear" from which you can purposely mine for deeper communication with the Holy Spirit. The book is a tremendous resource for encouraging one to develop that gift of tongues, which is quite often overlooked as insignificant, and helps you unlock the other gifts of the Spirit.
You can order a copy online for a ridiculously low price here; or if you can't wait for your copy you can download a free copy here.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The various polls across the nation seem to look bad for McCain-Palin. September, according to Prophet Dutch Sheets, was supposed to be the month in which the blindness over the eyes of the people (both in the church and in the nation) will be uncovered.
I still believe that the uncovering has begun and I still believe that McCain-Palin will win the election -- despite the fact that the polls don't show it: REGARDLESS.
You can't go by polls.
During the election campaign of my favorite president, Ronald Reagan, all the polls had Reagan and President Jimmy Carter in a dead heat. Imagine the surprise of the pollsters when the Gipper wins a landslide of 49 states to one.
I still believe that God is in control of this election and we'll see a McCain-Palin win, but we need to pray for God's mighty hand. The stakes are just too crucial for this nation at this time. We're at the point where we can reverse a 40 year slide toward immorality! We can do it!
Stand tall -- on your knees.
Saturday, October 4, 2008

The liberal pundits were already erecting the tombstone for the McCain-Palin ticket days before the Vice Presidential Debate. Liberal voices spoke of Sarah Palin as one who couldn't count to three -- then we find that Sarah not only could stand toe-to-toe with a long entrenched Washington insider, but that she could come out on top.
Her command of the debate, sprinkled with her poise, grace, and humor, had Dick Morris, former aide to President Bill Clinton, call her a great modern communicator, in the fashion of Ronald Reagan.
Special Note to the McCain campaign: LET SARAH BE SARAH!
Or, let her be Esther...
Take a read on this prophetic word given to Sarah Palin. In short, Ohio Pastor Mark Arnold was given a prophetic word to deliver to Sarah on September 9, 2008. Here is the word delivered at a political rally, as recalled by Pastor Arnold:
It was at this moment ... I was now face-to-face with her, and God said, “Open up your mouth and I will fill it.”
Here is what came out: “God wants you to know that you are a present-day Esther!”
[She immediately began to cry!]
“God wants to tell you that you are chosen for such a time as this! You are called, and chosen to be a leader. Don't lose heart and don't fear man. The news and naysayers and criticizers are going to be very hateful toward you … and in the days ahead they are going to turn up the heat … but do not fear.”
“You are a present-day Esther. You are an Esther. You are an Esther! Keep your eyes on God and know that He has chosen you to reign!”
“Stay strong ... be strong ... don't tire. Don't be weary in well-doing. Be strong.”
Her husband, Todd, came over, and I told him what I told her. He began to cry. I emphasized the fact that he was to guard her at this time … and know that “she is God-called and God-anointed.”
“This is a God-thing and your wife is a present-day Esther ... she is for God to use at this time ... she is an Esther ... she is an Esther ... she is an Esther.”
“You will be hated … but stand strong … God has called both of you to stand! We are praying and I am praying for you!”
At this moment, McCain came right to where I was finishing talking to Todd, and I told Mr. McCain exactly what I told to Sarah and Todd Palin.
“Mr. McCain … they are called of God and she is an Esther. Don't lose hope and don't lose heart. We are praying for all of you!”
He shook my hand and with a deep look of understanding what I had just said, he said, “Thank you for your prayers and support ... I really do mean that!”
And he turned and shook more hands … and I watched them as they went through the crowd.
Wow! How awesome that God is keenly aware of what's going on, even working things out behind the scenes. THANK GOD for His abundant grace towards this nation at this time.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I'm left speechless with this video. I don't know what it will take for informed people to open their eyes and see how callous this nation is to the cries of the unborn. But this video goes one step further, it shows how calloused an unnamed presidential candidate was when defending infanticide in Illinois.