Smoldering Firebrand Jesse Jackson gives a heads-up about new foreign policy initiatives should Barack Obama win the White House: say goodbye to U.S. concern over Israel (click title for story).
The change that Obama is voicing will directly hit Middle East policy, where Jackson says "decades of putting Israel's interests first" would end.
Jackson believes that, although "Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades" remain strong, they'll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.
"Obama is about change," Jackson told the New York Post in a wide-ranging conversation. "And the change that Obama promises is not limited to what we do in America itself. It is a change of the way America looks at the world and its place in it."
The Obama "change" will severely derail U.S. prestige and leadership in the world.
(Since the news report came out, Jackson has backpedeled from his comments, and the Obama camp have distanced themselves from it.)
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