Tuesday, October 14, 2008


How do you process the phenomenon of when a Christian leader is not living a lifestyle of Jesus, yet still moves in the anointing of the Holy Spirit? That's almost frightening to contemplate, isn't it?

Prophet James Goll explains the reasons why that sometimes happens in a thought-provoking message entitled The Deception of the Anointing.

Using the life of Samson as an example, Goll explains that the anointing is a free gift (Romans 11:29 states that the "gifts and calling of God are without repentance"). The deception upon an individual occurs when he falls into habitual sin and he sees the gift still operating in his life! -- "Aha, I must be doing spiritually okay" is the deception.

That deception, by extension, is also spread out to others who see the anointing on someone and believe he or she is living a lifestyle to emulate.

Check out the free audio download. Although it was recorded before Lakeland, it'll help you process the Lakeland Outpouring all the more.

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