Friday, October 17, 2008


It appears that everywhere you look there is more and more odds being stacked up against the McCain-Palin ticket.

The latest salvo was the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, which sided with Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner in her dispute with Republicans over voter fraud perpetuated by ACORN. Earlier in the week, a lower Ohio court ruling ordered Brunner to set up a system that would weed out fraudulent new voter registrations.

So, the Supreme Court conceivably provided the groundwork for unchecked large-scale voter fraud on Election Day.
This was certainly a wrong decision by the court.

Unfortunately, there are other wrong decisions being made by conservative friends too, like Peggy Noonan and Colin Powell, both of whom are either leaning toward Barack Obama or critical of McCain-Palin.

Then, too, is the incredibly unfair coverage of the campaign by the liberal media. Then, too, is the incredibly gullible public, which would love to be seduced into change.

So, take a look at the landscape -- and it looks bleak for McCain-Palin.

But then God...

Thank God that He is a miracle-working God that can still come through for us when all else looks bleak. There is still hope for this election.

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