Wednesday, October 15, 2008


We've been keeping an eye on the U.S. presidential election. The last great debate of the campaign is set for Hofstra University tonight, on my very own Long Island, NY. Tickets are as rare as an Acorn agent registering a Republican to vote.

But Prophet Julie Meyer continues to bring revelation about this upcoming election. She offers a key to having a McCain-Palin win! Check it out -- it's intercession and the cry for mercy over change!

(I wonder if Sarah Palin has seen these prophetic words?)


Anyhow, I'm wondering how Ohio figures into this prophetic word? Meyer says that Ohio "will be given the key to tip the scales for justice" in America. Perhaps it's the voter irregularities perpetuated by Barack's former associate ACORN (why is it that everywhere you look, Barack has an association with an unethical group?).

ACORN uses illegal tactics in getting democrats to register to vote, whether they are alive or dead, underage or over-registered -- even if they're cartoon characters (I didn't know Mickey Mouse was a democrat!).

ACORN'S voter irregularities have sprung up all over the country -- in key battleground states. But let's get back to Ohio. Did you know that a U.S. federal
district court judge has found Ohio's Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner guilty of violating federal election laws? The ruling goes to the heart of the ACORN-centered voter fraud epidemic spreading across the country.

Democrat Brunner, who has appealed the ruling, simply does not want to comply with a federal requirement to match new voter registration data with the information in the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Social Security Administration databases.

Now, Ohio has three days to comply with federal regulations to (1) verify the eligibility of newly registered voters and (2) make the information available to the state's 88 county election boards. And, this ruling must also refer to last week's early votes that were cast as soon as ACORN registered some democrats!

As of now, Brunner has estimated that close to 200,000 registrants, or one in every three new voters, do not match federal records and will end up on court-ordered lists.

We'll keep an eye on Ohio, shall we?

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