Monday, September 22, 2008


There is spiritual warfare over this nation, as to which course the nation will follow in the next four years.

The last time this nation's destiny severely hung in the balance was during the presidential election of 2000. At the time, the spiritual atmosphere was so volatile, the odds were so high, that the attempt to overturn the election of George Bush through the Florida recount was reduced to a bizarre televised spectacle of election officials counting and recounting dangling, pregnant, and swinging chads.

Thank God that Bush was elected. For all that President Bush is now criticized about, we need to give him his due on two key issues:

1) We have had a proactive president who took the offensive in the war on terror, to the point that we have not had a terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11. His quick military response broke up the momentum and the organizational structure of Al Qaeda. Had he not done so, or if we had an inferior, weak-willed president, there may have been grave consequences for this nation.

2) The other benefit of electing President Bush is that he selected two pro-life Supreme Court Justices.

Make no mistake: The U.S. is again undergoing a titanic spiritual struggle. And it all revolves around the very real potential of undoing the thirty-five year-old, death culture on America imposed by the Supreme Court abortion ruling of Roe V Wade!

This is why the liberal media and democratic supporters of abortion have made Republican Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin a lightning rod of the most vicious and vile attacks imaginable. Palin not only symbolizes to the left a pro-life candidate, but she literally embodies a rejection of the two most common reasons for an abortion: out-of-wedlock teenagers (her 17-year-old, unmarried daughter Bristol is pregnant and will carry the child to term) and birth defects (Sarah chose life for her down syndrome baby Trig).

She also symbolizes to the left a rejection of the liberal insistence that one must be pro-choice in order to be a feminist. So, here she is, she's doing it all: working a career, raising a family, and Pro-Life! This is why the attacks against Palin have been so severe.

Now, once again, during this presidential election season this nation finds itself in the throes of a monumental struggle for its soul and moral underpinnings.

Now let's put abortion is some kind of historical context. Since 1973, when abortion became legal, there have been over 52 million abortions! Did you realize that:

• six million Jewish lives were lost in the Holocaust;
• 20 million lives were lost in World War 2;
• the population of Canada is 33 million people.

We're talking about 52 million innocent lives lost! How many Billy Grahams, Jonah Salks, Albert Einsteins have been snuffed out?

Prophetic Revivalist Matt Sorger gave a prophetic word about overturning Roe V Wade during a Texas church service in 2006. The word specifically addressed the fact that Texas was integral in the fulfillment of the word. However, we couldn't quite figure out why.

We speculated that perhaps it's because President Bush was from, that didn't seem to fit.

Then we discovered that the original plaintiff in the case, Norma McCorvey ("Jane Roe") filed her suit, after claiming she was raped and desired an abortion, in the state of Texas.

But there is an even better reason to understand the significance of the state of Texas.

A few years ago, Prophets Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce took a nationwide tour of the 50 states, seeking God's divine plan for each state. For Texas, now get this, the word for Texas was that it was a prophetic state, and that the Lord's purpose for Texas is this prophetic function.

So that is why Matt gave that word in Texas!

Now, let's take a look at that prophetic word from Matt Sorger and let it give you hope to see the overturn of Roe V Wade.

“I’m feeling something in the Spirit right now. There’s a key in this state to reversing Roe v. Wade. There’s a key in the heart of Texas. There’s a key in the heart of Texas that will unlock the heart of this nation back towards God. And there’s something that will come forth from this State that will help reverse the death culture that has been released over America over the last 32 years.

“So you guys are playing a key role here. And I believe spiritually, this is what I’m sensing right now. Spiritually, God has given you as inhabitants of this State the spiritual authority to decree a reversal of Roe v. Wade."

(Notice that Matt, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, has already made a decree from Texas -- without necessarily knowing about the prophetic role of Texas in God's plans.)

“There’s something in the spiritual realm, that God is giving you the authority, that as you decree the reversal of Roe v. Wade, it will move the Hand of God. That will unlock not only the heart of Texas but the heart of this nation.

“Listen to me. This is ‘right on’ in the Spirit right now. There will be something even as the intercessors, even as the spiritual authorities begin to decree reversal, reversal, reversal, of Roe v. Wade and a release of life over the heart of Texas. The heart of America will begin to pump again with the life flow of God. Wow!

“And I’m seeing a vision right now of the heart of America beginning to beat, the heart of America beginning to beat, as God revives His Revival. It’s the Spirit of Revival that’s what I’m seeing right now in the Spirit. It’s the Spirit of revival and it is connected to this heart even in the whole Roe v. Wade.

“There’s something connected between revival in America and Roe v. Wade; and you will see them happen simultaneously. You will see it happen. There will come a sweeping move of God that will begin to pump the heart of this nation again back towards God and at the same time, there’ll be life released even in the reversal of Roe v. Wade – and watch the Supreme Court!

“I knew God had destiny in Texas. I was just caught into an open vision while I stepped up to the pulpit, I was just caught up into an open vision. And I saw the body of America. And I saw the heart beginning to pump again. Just like when they take those defibrillators and they go pump! – and they electrocute the heart. God’s about to electrocute the heart of America.

“You know what I think I think we should do right now? I think we should just decree it. God’s showing it to us. I think we should just decree it. Let’s just take a few minutes. Let’s just decree it right now in the heavenlies.

“Lord, we are standing on this land, Father. And Lord, even as inhabitants of this land, Father, I thank You God, that they have the authority in the spirit realm to decree, Father, a reversal of Roe v. Wade, a reversal of the death culture in America, to see the life of God pump into our nation’s heart once again.

“And Father, we speak over the heart of Texas, and we speak life over the heart of Texas. We command the heart of Texas to be revived and to open up to the life of God, in Jesus name. And we command the heart of America to be captured by God and to begin to pump with the very life of God. We decree it Father. We decree a reversal of Roe v. Wade.

“Father, we decree a reversal of the death culture that has tried to wipe out a whole generation since 1973. And, Father, we decree life, life, life, life, life! Father, we decree it over the Supreme Court – life in Jesus name. Father, we decree over this State, life in Jesus name. And Father, as Texas is revived, so let the nation of America be revived."

In this nation's Declaration of Independence are these words: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

...Among these are LIFE!

[Incidentally, Norma McCorvey of Roe V Wade fame became a born-again Christian and is presently seeking the overturn of the infamous case she started.]

1 comment:

MrVince said...

He came that we may have life in Him.
Lets not snuff His life out.