Wednesday, October 14, 2009


We’re living in an age when it seems most people do not know the difference between good and evil anymore.

There is no more good. There is no more evil. Everything is homogenized into the middle. Everyone has so-called rights to be as profane and sinful as their imagination takes them.

We, as a nation, didn’t get here all at once. It’s been a slippery slide downward since the 1960s. There was a time when you could say prayer in school: now opponents have demonized God in the classrooms and declared that prayer in school violates separation of church and state.

Our founding fathers never thought that.

There was a time when drunks were sinful; now they constitute a disease.

There was a time when same-sex physical relations was sinful; now it’s a lifestyle choice.

There was a time when most college campuses held the Bible in high esteem; now educators discredit it as unreliable and relegate it as a fable.

There was a time when people honored men and women of Christian faith; now they’re despised.

On the international stage, Iran’s leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad defiantly denies the holocaust against the Jews ever occurred; then why is he given the honor of speaking at the United Nations?

President Barack Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize, not for having done something laudatory, but for political reasons – essentially because the Nobel Committee sees Obama not as a staunch defender of the country, as was President George Bush, but as an internationalist – as one who will gladly dismantle America’s superpower status and reject American exceptionalism.

Take a good look at the political scene today and you will see politicians brazenly speak lies before the news cameras: and the media doesn’t investigate the truth, but simply reports on what the politician says is the truth. Even worse, is when the news media takes on an agenda or a cause; like man-made Global Warming and reports it as truth, or Congress’ socialization of America and reports it as if it were glorious.

Does anybody see anything wrong in this culture where any diabolical lie and evil-intention gets equal authority with truth and righteousness? Truly we’re living in a time which the scriptures denounce:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

(Isa 5:20 ASV)

1 comment:

The fire within said...

Preach it Brother!

SOMEONE needs to!!!!!

*sigh* Preach the Truth and LOVE the people.....Preach the Truth and LOVE the people.....Preach the Truth and LOVE the people.....(I just keep on tellin' myself that.)

Love ya Brother!