Thursday, April 2, 2009

Preparing the Way for the Antichrist

It's very awkward to keep silent about problems brewing in a new administration. On the one hand, you don't want to sound impatient or disrespectful if you point out some problem. Plus, you want to give the administration the benefit of the doubt.

But, then again, I think you can report the news and let people decide for themselves about what's going on in the world -- without being disrespectful.

The above video is the O'Reilly Factor's Talking Points on President Barack Obama's visit to London for the G-20 meeting.

Unfortunately, what we can say is that the President, being an internationalist, is abdicating U.S. dominance on the world's stage to that of a supporting role among lesser nations. We are literally telling the world that they must fill the vacuum we're leaving behind. What that means biblically is that the President is helping to pave the way for the prophesied endtime beast power of Revelation.

This major power that will come upon the world's stage will come benevelently as one that can solve all the world's ills.

In the person of Barack Obama, we have a prototype of how a future antichrist can capture the world's attention, allegiance and ultimate submission. President Obama is not the antichrist. However, we can see how the Obama-phenomenon can be easily replicated in the future when a world leader arises telling everyone that he has all the answers to all the world's economic ills.

Look at the way President Obama is heralded as a hero, all the while setting up an economy that may bankrupt this country. And we are blindly letting it happen.

Serious times are upon us.

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