It's the Strasbourg Building in Strasbourg, France, where the European Parliament meets regularly. This is one of three headquarter sites of the European Union.
Its architects would have you believe that the unfinished-looking structure denotes the "unfinished nature of Europe." But if you look carefully at the picture below, you may begin to draw a conclusion that the architects modeled the building after Bruegel's painting of the Tower of Babel.

The biblical story of Babylon (Genesis 11), set in the post-Noahic world, was the first systematic, coordinated rebellion against God, led by Nimrod, who founded Babel. And, as such, it becomes the first "worldly, secular government" in recorded history.
Nimrod attempted to lead people away from the true God by teaching an erroneous doctrine of fulfilment and destiny apart from God; in the same way that modern educators teach the theory of evolution in an attempt to explain created life without a Creator. (Some tactics by the enemy never change.)
Jewish Historian Josephus has written that the Mighty Nimrod "gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power."
With the flood still fresh in people's minds, Nimrod said he would be "revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! and that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers!" (Complete Works of Flavius Josephus).
Once the Lord saw their evil intent (as they all spoke one language), He caused the abrupt ceasing of construction by confusing their language. Ironically, in a parody on the pride of Babel, the name Babel (bab-ili) in Babylonian literature meant "the gate of God." But in Hebrew it sounds like the word for confusion -- and so it was, the Tower of Confusion.
In the event that you haven't been convinced of the EU's model for the Tower of Babel, see this original poster for the European Union. It has since been removed from their advertising.

You ready for more? As we've seen from last time, the book of Daniel shows that the economic and military superpower that will appear in the last days will arise out of the ashes of the old Roman Empire. The book of Revelation depicts that same endtime power as a woman riding a beast (Rev 17:1-5).
On the woman's forehead, scripture says, "was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH," Rev 17:5 (KJV).

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