Sunday, April 26, 2009

Matt Sorger Reordained under James Goll

There was not a dry eye in the house. Tearful joy washed across the faces of those present. Matt Sorger was being reordained under Prophet James Goll. And, as Matt’s parents, Rich and Veronica, approached the stage, everyone took on the role of a doting parent, proud and grateful for Matt.

From the day of Matt’s birth, his father Rich said, he took him in his arms and prophesied that Matt was going to do “something very special” with his life. Veronica joined in, saying between tears, that Matt was born premature and prayed, “Lord, please let me have him and I’ll take good care of him.”

The Lord, she related, directed her to a list of names and the Lord told her, “Name him Matthew, gift of the Lord.”

“From my womb you were called Matt; and he was forming leadership qualities in you even from a young child. And now (upon this ordination) this is your day; the lord is calling you out to a new season and a new time.

“It is my prayer that you would be a man who always divides the word of truth correctly; who will always walk in humility before his God; and that you will always love the Lord your God with all of your heart.

“And I praise God that he privileged me to be your mom.”

Joshua and Janet Mills also spoke blessings to Matt in this solemn ordination ceremony, conducted during the 2009 Glory, Signs and Wonders Conference in Melville, NY.
Matt then kneeled at the altar before the ordination committee, comprising of James Goll, Chris Poole, and Don Loper, Matt’s pastor from Riverhead, NY.

Chris, assistant to James Goll, prophesied that Matt will know Jesus in an “unusual level” of closeness. He will walk in a new level. “And the Lord says ‘you will walk hand in hand, face to face, in step and in stride; knowing how to stay in sync with My Holy Spirit.’ And the Lord says, ‘out of that, people will understand who I am by watching who I am in the midst of you,’ says the Lord.”

James said that through Matt’s hands will come displays of wonders and compassion. “You will be shocked yourself. I am going to release wonderment about the amazing grace of God.”
James declared Matt to be a “worldwide ambassador for the body of Christ that will carry amazing grace internationally.”

Matt will be known as Matthew, but his brother Rick, said James, shall be known as Paul. “This is a day,” said James, “of affirmation and confirmation for this whole family.”

Joshua Mills, one of the guest speakers at the conference, has a remarkable way of hearing from the Spirit. Sometimes when ministering in the crowd, the Spirit gives him street addresses, birthdays, or full names of individuals in the audience. Words of knowledge were also called out by Joshua for the healing of cataracts, high blood pressure and arthritis.
But his passion is the Glory of God – which is God’s presence brought about through praise and worship. He challenges the audience to praise the Lord – even when you don’t feel like it. When things are too hard for you, when the struggle has laid you low, “Praise Him,” he said, “and it will always change your atmosphere.”

“You can praise today because you know something is coming to you tomorrow.” And he inspired many to go home and no matter what difficulty we might be facing in life, no matter what struggles or heartache, that we should simply praise the name that is above all names – Jesus.

James Goll of Encounters Network came on the scene Saturday morning with a fiery message about revival. The worship that ensued that morning reached a spontaneous breakthrough in the Spirit. Such was the power of that worship, that it led James Goll into an unrehearsed dramatic presentation of the Welsh revival, complete with British and Gaelic accents. It was a veritable spiritual free-for-all with prophetic songs and words, encouraging and motivating everyone for the revival just ahead.

This Welsh revival, he said, was only a prototype of what would be coming to a greater degree. To the wild cheers of the Christian audience, he prophesied of a new force to be reckoned with on the streets: prophetic evangelism.

Without dismissing the gifts of the Spirit, James insisted that it is just as supernatural to move in the fruit of the Spirit, as it is in the gifts of the Spirit. Never underestimate the revival of the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Matt Sorger continued on that same theme, speaking about the balance between the anointing and character, and stressing the need for character above all else. “I’ve seen plenty of anointed people with a wrong spirit.” he said. “Plus, you can get a transference of the anointing,” he added, “but that doesn’t mean that God is endorsing your lifestyle!”

Matt discussed the virtue of character in a two-part sermon on the qualities that either make us or break us in obtaining a mantle. He compared the two divergent concepts through the lives of Saul and David. Pride, resentfulness, jealously were all hallmarks of Saul’s life, which led to his downfall.

Meanwhile, David had to endure the hardships of an abusive authority figure – without feelings of resentment or revenge. He had to endure a test of honor before he was awarded his prophetic destiny. And, that test of honor dealt more with his character, than it did his anointing.

Matt then gave practical advice on dealing with abusive authority figures in our lives.

In a reenactment in the life of David, Matt put his jacket around little Lincoln Mills, son of Joshua and Janet. This act prompted people to sense that this was a prophetic demonstration of the mantle upon that little boy’s life.

It was truly a historic conference which set the stage for Matt Sorger Ministries to be catapulted into a new level. The ministry is already sensing an urgency and seriousness of the hour that is upon us, and is seeking to fulfill the work in breadth and scope that pastrevivals never could.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Coincidence or Evidence of Endtime Prophesy?

Take a look at this building. It looks somewhat strange and perhaps unfinished, but it doesn't look sinister, does it?

It's the Strasbourg Building in Strasbourg, France, where the European Parliament meets regularly. This is one of three headquarter sites of the European Union.

Its architects would have you believe that the unfinished-looking structure denotes the "unfinished nature of Europe." But if you look carefully at the picture below, you may begin to draw a conclusion that the architects modeled the building after Bruegel's painting of the Tower of Babel.

The biblical story of Babylon (Genesis 11), set in the post-Noahic world, was the first systematic, coordinated rebellion against God, led by Nimrod, who founded Babel. And, as such, it becomes the first "worldly, secular government" in recorded history.

Nimrod attempted to lead people away from the true God by teaching an erroneous doctrine of fulfilment and destiny apart from God; in the same way that modern educators teach the theory of evolution in an attempt to explain created life without a Creator. (Some tactics by the enemy never change.)

Jewish Historian Josephus has written that the Mighty Nimrod "gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power."

With the flood still fresh in people's minds, Nimrod said he would be "revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! and that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers!" (Complete Works of Flavius Josephus).

Once the Lord saw their evil intent (as they all spoke one language), He caused the abrupt ceasing of construction by confusing their language. Ironically, in a parody on the pride of Babel, the name Babel (bab-ili) in Babylonian literature meant "the gate of God." But in Hebrew it sounds like the word for confusion -- and so it was, the Tower of Confusion.

In the event that you haven't been convinced of the EU's model for the Tower of Babel, see this original poster for the European Union. It has since been removed from their advertising.

The comparison is distinct. The building has the same unfinished look to it. And the ad copy used here is a direct counterpoint to Babel -- Babel had one voice that was divided into many languages; Europe has many languages that wants to speak with one voice.

You ready for more? As we've seen from last time, the book of Daniel shows that the economic and military superpower that will appear in the last days will arise out of the ashes of the old Roman Empire. The book of Revelation depicts that same endtime power as a woman riding a beast (Rev 17:1-5).

On the woman's forehead, scripture says, "was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH," Rev 17:5 (KJV).

Is it just a coincidence that this statue is in front of the Winston Churchill building at the EU Complex in Strasbourg, France? While this is not really the same beast or woman as outlined in scripture, it is telling that such a structure would be there.

Daniel's Dream About Our Future

There's always been such confusion over where the coming endtime beast power will arise on the earth. The Book of Daniel, chapter two, gives the answer. It shows that King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream -- it was a prophetic dream detailing the world's gentile governments that would rule before the return of Christ.

This is how Daniel describes the dream to Nebuchaddnezzar: "You, O king, were watching as a great statue — one of impressive size and extraordinary brightness — was standing before you. Its appearance caused alarm. As for that statue, its head was of fine gold, its chest and arms were of silver, its belly and thighs were of bronze. Its legs were of iron; its feet were partly of iron and partly of clay. You were watching as a stone was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its iron and clay feet, breaking them in pieces. Then the iron, clay, bronze, silver, and gold were broken in pieces without distinction and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors that the wind carries away. Not a trace of them could be found. But the stone that struck the statue became a large mountain that filled the entire earth."
(Dan 2:31-35 NET)

This prophetic dream dealt specifically with world governments, the last of which, symbolized as the "stone that was cut without hands" (Dan 2:45), represents the Kingdom of God coming upon the earth with the return of Jesus.

diagram from

Due to the accuracy of the prophesy, biblical critics have attempted to date the book after the fact. However, Jesus calls Daniel a prophet (Matt 24:15). Let's take Jesus' words over this, rather than man's.

The book appears to have been written at the time of the Babylonian captivity of the Jews (during the first kingdom, Babylon) and into the beginning of the Persian Kingdom (Dan 1:1, Dan 10:1). And it foresaw the coming of three gentile empires: Persia, Greece and Rome (see Dan 8 & Dan 11).

Jesus came at the time of the Roman Empire, when Rome issued a decree to kill all newborns. Jerusalem was sacked by the Roman Empire in 70 AD. The Roman Empire (the legs of iron) would go through a series of revivals until the endtimes, signified by the toes (part of iron, part of clay).

Each metal symbolized a different empire. The fact that the toes are part iron and part clay symbolizes that the last empire would be a continuation of the Roman Empire (iron) coupled with another, weaker entity (clay, Dan 2:41).

Once this ten-toed (or ten nations) revival occurs, and subsequent prophecies are fulfilled, then Jesus returns. "In the days of those kings (represented by the toes) the God of heaven will raise up an everlasting kingdom that will not be destroyed and a kingdom that will not be left to another people. It will break in pieces and bring about the demise of all these kingdoms. But it will stand forever."
(Dan 2:44 NET)

This is why we need to keep an eye on Europe for endtime prophesy.

Next time I write I want to show you some interesting parallels between endtime prophecies and the European Union.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

There are Lights in the Media!

Well, this is really wonderful. At a time when it's unfashionable to be a Christian, at a time when the media has ushered an onslaught of anti-Christian rhetoric, it's really refreshing to hear a member of the media talk about God as if He was real and to bring a message of hope to a troubled world from the scriptures.

This is Glenn Beck, a conservative commentator from Fox News, reacting after the tragedy of a gunman killing 13 people at a Upstate New York Immigrant Center in Binghamton, NY.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if all news commentators reflected on the news using the scriptures for moral clarity and for determining the signs of the times through prophesy?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Preparing the Way for the Antichrist

It's very awkward to keep silent about problems brewing in a new administration. On the one hand, you don't want to sound impatient or disrespectful if you point out some problem. Plus, you want to give the administration the benefit of the doubt.

But, then again, I think you can report the news and let people decide for themselves about what's going on in the world -- without being disrespectful.

The above video is the O'Reilly Factor's Talking Points on President Barack Obama's visit to London for the G-20 meeting.

Unfortunately, what we can say is that the President, being an internationalist, is abdicating U.S. dominance on the world's stage to that of a supporting role among lesser nations. We are literally telling the world that they must fill the vacuum we're leaving behind. What that means biblically is that the President is helping to pave the way for the prophesied endtime beast power of Revelation.

This major power that will come upon the world's stage will come benevelently as one that can solve all the world's ills.

In the person of Barack Obama, we have a prototype of how a future antichrist can capture the world's attention, allegiance and ultimate submission. President Obama is not the antichrist. However, we can see how the Obama-phenomenon can be easily replicated in the future when a world leader arises telling everyone that he has all the answers to all the world's economic ills.

Look at the way President Obama is heralded as a hero, all the while setting up an economy that may bankrupt this country. And we are blindly letting it happen.

Serious times are upon us.