But I'm going to have to change that and make the time. Anyway, here I am again with a note I posted on my Facebook wall. I've been blessed to find that two of my favorite websites atlasshrugs.com & jihadwatch.com have both printed this on their websites.
Here's the article:
Blurred vision seems to be creeping up on aging America. At times the nation seems to be unable to discern right from wrong anymore. The generations being spawned today are not only unable to distinguish between good and evil, but they even seek to fight against Godly principles and moral traditions. And they think they’re doing right.
This blurring of moral absolutes affects the media too. When national news media (Time Magazine, NBC & CNN, for instance) considers nominating Sharia Law-promoter, Ground Zero Mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf as Person of the Year, we as a nation are in trouble.
When mainstream media promotes anti-heroes as objects of honor, it is refreshing to balance the scales again and promote real heroes in a world increasingly intolerant against what is good and decent.
My standard for promoting a Person of the Year is one who is making a positive difference in the world, to the point that the person should not only be honored but emulated. The Person of the Year should be one who, in the face of increasing hostility against America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and culture, continues to protect and defend our God-given freedoms for the benefit of all.
In an age when Sharia Law is gaining ground around the world, it’s important to note Ronald Reagan’s words when he said: "Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom, and then lost it, have never known it again."
The honor of this year’s Person of the Year Award goes to one who has made herculean strides in protecting our freedoms and fighting the good fight, Pamela Geller.
The story of Pamela Geller is the story of what one person with a website (atlasshrugs.com) can do in the face of insurmountable opposition against truth and righteousness.
For instance, Pamela’s latest triumph was in the city of Seattle. Can you imagine any anti-Semite in this day and age purchasing anti-Israel bus ads and any city accepting them? It happened in the state of Washington recently with this ad:

War crimes? I think not. Israel is constantly in a state of protecting itself from hostile neighbors. So, what did Pamela do? She decided to put up her own ads to counter the rhetoric.
The Seattle Transit Authority was in a bind. To avoid a hypocritical stance by not accepting her ads and to avoid the escalation of unnecessary friction by accepting the ads, they rejected the anti-Israel ads entirely, which was set for the next week.
Turning the head on politically correct arguments is her specialty. In this way, the inherent bias and ungodliness within the politically correct posture is exposed.
But week after week, Pamela unmasks the leftist radicals, stealth jihadists, & biased media in a potpourri of clever reportage and hard-hitting exposés sprinkled with biting humor.
Do you remember Rifqa Bary, the young Muslim-turned-Christian girl whose parents wanted to kill her for converting to Christianity? Thanks to Pamela’s beating the drum and calling for protest rallies – and despite the dishonest reporting of the mainstream media – a clearer picture emerged as to the dangers facing Rifqa. And now, upon turning 18, free from the threat of honor killing, Rifqa has vowed to “preach the word to all the nations.”
Another success.
It has been claimed that Pamela Geller was the one who made the Ground Zero Mosque story national news and, as a result of exposing the plans of stealth jihadists in the US, has come under such increasing opposition and actual death threats.
Fearless in the face of danger, protecting the common good, this is why I’m nominating Pamela Geller as Person of the Year.
You might, like me, pray for her protection and for her colleague Robert Spencer for all the work they undertake to preserve our Judeo-Christian heritage and to keep truth and freedom alive in America.
The reason for this pick is to encourage us all to be like Pamela Geller – because, if we all spoke out against unrighteousness, the forces that would try to derail this country would not be allowed to flourish.
Blessings, Pamela!
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