Monday, March 1, 2010

Letter to Pro-Obama Health Care Supporter

I responded to a friend about health care reform, and thought it was good enough for you to read as well.

Hi ______,

I really appreciate your heart and I know where you're coming from.

So, let's start off with where we agree: 1) we agree there's a problem with affordable health care; 2) we support health care reform.

Our only real difference is how we as a nation go about reforming health care.

The bills that have been proposed by the House and Senate carry with them a major cost to the nation, through raising taxes, reducing services, growing our national debt, lowering our medical standards & clamping upon us an intrusive control over our medical decisions, that literally pushes us toward socialism. Plus, did you know, the bills do not provide coverage for all anyway. After all is said and done, after the trillions of dollars invested into this, millions of people will still be left without coverage.

But, here's something else we agree with: health care costs are astronomical! But why? It's mainly because of malpractice insurance that doctors have to pay to protect themselves from frivolous and expensive lawsuits.

Knowing this, why don't we pass one simple bill -- without adding cost to the nation!


Tort reform is putting caps, or limits, on the amount of money doctors can be sued by patients. THIS IS WHY costs are so high -- when every little misdiagnosis turns into a major lawsuit which sends premiums through the roof. Doctors, needing to protect themselves, pay expensive malpractice insurance, the cost of which are then passed onto the patients.

The Obama Administration targets insurance providers as greedy villains. But did you know that trial lawyers are Obama's biggest financial supporters? This is why the Obama Administration rejects Tort Reform -- it would seriously impact the amount of money made by trial lawyers and thereby curtail Obama's and the democrats' campaign funding.

So, if Obama was serious about curtailing health care costs, he should start by passing a bill limiting awards for malpractice suits -- and that would cost the nation NOTHING!

Doesn't that make sense to do?

Obama rejects tort reform and, instead, creates a government bureaucracy that controls everyone's life from womb to tomb. The serious consequences of this bill include funding for abortions and denial of certain medical care to senior citizens because of their age -- despite what the White House website says!

Surely, your concern for people includes the unborn and senior citizens.

Now, let's talk about the catastrophic cost for Obama's health care reform. The nation is already squandering millions of dollars each day to foreign nations to PAY THE INTEREST on the trillions of dollars of debt we owe them. That's every day!

The US cannot sustain such crippling debt to our economy - this will certainly destroy this nation. Plus, it is already forcing the US to change our foreign policy to suit the decisions of nations we're indebted to -- as recently happened when China asked the US not to host the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama was escorted out of the back door of the White House pronto. Suppose one day the Chinese take us to task for protecting ourselves against terrorism? Proverbs says, "...the borrower is servant to the lender" (22:7).

Furthermore, you might think we're getting a free ride with government insurance, but how will it be funded? The children, and their children, born during this reform will be saddled with the debilitating debt, which will be unsustainable. This would be the first time in our nation's history that we would leave our children a country in worse shape, ladened with debt, than we had received and enjoyed.

We would be literally mortgaging away the lives of our children and grandchildren by presenting them with the price tag that puts their lives and hopes into Chapter 11.

As it stands now, the US has the best medical care in the world. People of all nations -- socialized countries included -- come here when they need good health care. That's because our government has no active control over personal and private medical procedures, while every socialized country has government running mom and pop's medical affairs. We cannot emulate the socialist system.

There are other ways for us to reform health care: Obama's plans will put the nation in cardiac arrest -- which, unfortunately, his health care reform does not cover.

We must vote against these bills.

Love you Guys....blessings to you.


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