Monday, October 26, 2009



Please be alert to the threats facing us today.

FROM JAY SEKULOW: Efforts are intensifying to criminalize those who speak out against Islam. It's a UN resolution that puts the lives of Christians at risk around the globe. With this ruling, a Christian couldn't say Jesus is Lord.

See Short Video (2 min) here.

Hear Radio Broadcast (30 min) here.

Folks, we need to wake up to the threat of Radical Islam, that wishes to persecute Christians and overturn America's freedoms.

Grouping 57 Muslim states, The Organization of Islamic Conference is one of the largest bodies in the United Nations. The OIC has proposed a binding resolution at the United Nations, called the Defamation of Religions Resolution. It proposes to make illegal, throughout the world, any criticism of Islam -- which, by extension, includes the proclamation and advancement of the Christian gospel over Islam.

Sharia Law is the Islamic Constitution under Allah. Islam wants the whole world engulfed under Sharia Law. And they will carry out their objective in piecemeal fashion, even if it takes decades. So, they will move methodically into every aspect of society and attempt to impose their Sharia Law wherever they go: in schools, workplaces, government.

Go to Europe and see how the social fabric has been irreversibly changed.

And, it's not a coincidence that President Obama, being the head of this nation, has opened the door, spiritually speaking, to allow an encroachment of Radical Islam into our culture.

Pray that that door gets closed in the next election.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Where Does Reality End and Illusion Begin in Politics?

This is an incredible display of the literal blurring of the lines between reality and illusion.

And, it's target was the media. Yes, the media can be duped by unscrupulous individuals pursuing an agenda of media manipulation.

This video shows the halting of a Chamber of Commerce press conference by the REAL Chamber of Commerce Official!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Prophet John Paul Jackson, appeared on Sid Roth's IT'S SUPERNATURAL TV program, giving us his prophetic insights for the United States for the next ten years or so.

What's amazing is his prophetic description of President Barack Obama. But -- man! -- do we have to pray throughout this time for America!

You can see the entire interview here:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


We’re living in an age when it seems most people do not know the difference between good and evil anymore.

There is no more good. There is no more evil. Everything is homogenized into the middle. Everyone has so-called rights to be as profane and sinful as their imagination takes them.

We, as a nation, didn’t get here all at once. It’s been a slippery slide downward since the 1960s. There was a time when you could say prayer in school: now opponents have demonized God in the classrooms and declared that prayer in school violates separation of church and state.

Our founding fathers never thought that.

There was a time when drunks were sinful; now they constitute a disease.

There was a time when same-sex physical relations was sinful; now it’s a lifestyle choice.

There was a time when most college campuses held the Bible in high esteem; now educators discredit it as unreliable and relegate it as a fable.

There was a time when people honored men and women of Christian faith; now they’re despised.

On the international stage, Iran’s leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad defiantly denies the holocaust against the Jews ever occurred; then why is he given the honor of speaking at the United Nations?

President Barack Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize, not for having done something laudatory, but for political reasons – essentially because the Nobel Committee sees Obama not as a staunch defender of the country, as was President George Bush, but as an internationalist – as one who will gladly dismantle America’s superpower status and reject American exceptionalism.

Take a good look at the political scene today and you will see politicians brazenly speak lies before the news cameras: and the media doesn’t investigate the truth, but simply reports on what the politician says is the truth. Even worse, is when the news media takes on an agenda or a cause; like man-made Global Warming and reports it as truth, or Congress’ socialization of America and reports it as if it were glorious.

Does anybody see anything wrong in this culture where any diabolical lie and evil-intention gets equal authority with truth and righteousness? Truly we’re living in a time which the scriptures denounce:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

(Isa 5:20 ASV)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

FREEDOM IN CHRIST: Deliverance & Inner Healing

What's the common definition of "deliverance"?

Most would say it is the process of casting out demons.

But Mark Baker, founder of the Sozo School of Deliverance and Inner Healing, says it has more to do with salvation's complete work in the life of a believer. His definition is: "Submitting our lives (spirit, soul and body) completely to Christ as our only Lord and appropriating the finished work of the cross so that He can destroy ALL the works of the devil."

And that includes all of the areas of one's life that still needs healing. Do you know anyone who could use this type of teaching? I'm happy to say that his six-part teaching from his School of Deliverance and Inner Healing, is available online for free on video and downloadable mp3s. And it comes with a manual as well, that you can print out for yourself.

Check out this site.

I listened to the first installment last night and I felt an anointing on it from his opening prayer. Baker, who has trained over 700 pastors and leaders in the area of deliverance, has wonderful insights and his teaching is biblically sound.

I'd recommend that you check it out and download the teaching onto your computer or recommend it to a friend.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Reagan Was Noble, But Obama Got the Prize



The Nobel Committee, unfortunately, is really leftist and all of its selections are politically based. Now, Obama sits alongside Carter, Gore and Yassir Arafat!!!! That's right: Arafat, the terrorist, won the Nobel Peace Prize. Does that tell you anything? Btw, the committee selected Obama because he supports an impotent United States; as do they.

Check this article that puts things in perspective.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sobering Times!

The greatness that was once America is sadly floundering in a sea of moral depravity, media deception and political corruption. Our nation is on the edge socially and morally as a wide range of horrific scenarios confronts us!

  • Iran has stepped-up its nuclear weapons program and is threatening genocide upon Israel (it recently test-fired long-range missiles on Yom Kippur, as a display of intimidation against Israel and the West);
  • Capitalism, the engine which commandeered wealth for this nation, is being chipped away at by a growing chorus of pro-socialistic, anti-God forces;
  • The nation’s growing economic instability is causing the dollar to be devalued and potentially replaced as the world’s key currency;
  • Out-of-control congressional spending is creating an insurmountable budget deficit that will strangle economic growth upon generations yet unborn;
  • There is no sense of right and wrong, good and evil anymore;
  • America is rapidly losing its foundational dependence upon God and has rejected its role as the world’s leading Christian nation, as an example to the world of God’s favor and blessings.

We desperately need answers from the Lord. Thankfully, the Lord does speak to us through prophets. Chuck Pierce, Bill Hamon, and Matt Sorger, three leading prophetic voices, will join together for the next Open Heavens Conference: Releasing the Apostolic and Prophetic. You don’t want to miss what the Lord wants to say and do.