Saturday, January 3, 2009


The beginning of the year is a time when we often set up New Year's Resolutions. If I had a chance to encourage you to do something brilliant and helpful this year, something that would enrich your spiritual life, this would be it: Start journaling in a computer program how God is moving in your life day by day this year. My preference is Microsoft Word, but any program will do.

I have written yearly journals of all the things that God has been showing me since the year 2000. If I hadn't, I might have completely forgotten what God had told me or forgotten what lessons I'd learned. Every prophetic word I'd received, every trial that I've gone through that God delivered me from, every dream from the Lord, every direction I'd received from the Holy Spirit goes into the journal.

Since God always shares with us His vision in piecemeal fashion (a little here, then a little there), it's imperative that we write down what God has been trying to say to us at the time that He tells us. And, because it's in a computer program and not handwritten into a book, I can easily search and locate any word or subject in seconds and get all of what the Lord has been telling me over the course of the year.

I know there are some of you who are romantics and like to journal into a book. Don't! It's time to get with the times and go computer. There's an ease and convenience in having your journal in a computer file, from which you can easily fix mistakes and make updates. Then too you can simply copy and paste portions of the journal into an email to encourage a friend or quickly print out a segment to peruse and study.

Or, you can gather all the items of any topic and group them together at a glance.

I can't tell you how many times that if I didn't journal a prophetic dream that I had, I would not have remembered it. During the course of the year, it's always good to peruse the journal for enlightenment as to what God is doing and saying in your life.

Then at the end of the year, you can print out your journal, place a cover on it and voila! you've got a bound copy of your 2009 journal.

At the end of the year, you can tell me how how much you want to thank me.

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