Friday, November 14, 2008


It is truly welcoming and refreshing when God miraculously orchestrates the release of His agenda and revelation knowledge at a conference – using each session to build on a truth and then, when taken as a whole, reveals new insights into the mind of God.

Such was the case at the MSM Open Heavens Conference: Releasing the Apostolic and Prophetic with Matt Sorger, Dutch Sheets, Jane Hamon and Robert Stearns (Oct 30-Nov1, 2008).

The first session, conducted by Dutch Sheets, was strategically engineered by God to bring a spiritual shift in the church for global revival, including the United States. The conference was aptly named as this shift includes the implementation of the Apostolic alignment over the end-time church.

That last part is crucial. In a day when segments of the prophetic movement may be losing its anchor in the solid foundations of God’s word, God is realigning the church to balance the body anew.

Dutch refers to the Apostolic and Prophetic alignment as synonymous to having both Wisdom and Revelation – both need each other, both are dependent upon each other, both need to be “married” together.

Wisdom (i.e., the apostolic) generates “consistency and balance,” says Dutch, while revelation (i.e., the prophetic) prohibits “stagnation.” The apostolic “maintains and sustains,” while the prophetic “propels” with the Lord’s present day strategies. Therefore, you need both.

Matt Sorger says that the Lord is releasing a “holy plumb line” in the building of the Apostolic-Prophetic movement. This is to avoid a “train wreck” by possible imbalances within the prophetic movement. The spiritual leaders at the conference began contending in the spirit for the birthing of this Apostolic-Prophetic alignment.

Both Dutch Sheets and Jane Hamon began releasing decrees of alignment between the apostolic and prophetic. Then, in a very powerful display, Matt publicly submitted his ministry to the apostolic authority of Dutch Sheets. Matt and Dutch not only released decrees for the apostolic and prophetic but for the generations to be rightly aligned with each other for the fullness of God to come forth in the church.

Then Jane Hamon, who spoke on the church entering the third apostolic reformation, gave a word about the Lord releasing a “double-edged sword” in the Church’s hand; one side is apostolic, the other side is prophetic. “Now,” says Jane, with this alignment “you’re going to see heaven fighting for you…that breaks you out into a whole new place of supernatural occupation.”

Without the added ingredient of the apostolic to the church’s arsenal, the church could not do the work it is called to do in this present hour before the Lord’s return.

Robert Stearns urges God’s people to propel through this time of re-alignment in the church though it seems like all of hell has been positioned against you. “The devil knows,” says Robert, “it’s not just you at stake but behind you there are a hundred others that you will lead into salvation. Behind them comes a thousand more. There’s a lot more riding on your breakthrough, than just your breakthrough. You are the key to the thousands coming into the power of the Kingdom of God. On the other side of your breakthrough lies the breakthrough for thousands of others.”

Now is the time that the Lord is positioning His people to move into, what Matt calls, a New Breed of Christian. “Christianity is more than filling a pew on Sunday morning,” he says, “this breed is filled with the fire of God. They know their God and know how to do great exploits. They are a kingdom-minded people ready to advance the Kingdom of God in the earth.”

He then reminded God’s people that they too – and you too, reading this – can be a part of the New Breed. If your heart desires to do great and mighty things for the Lord, if you want to lay hands on the sick, cast out devils, preach the gospel in your sphere of influence – if you want to shake nations! – then you are a part of the New Breed.


Matt gave a prophetic word for the nation and the church just days before the U.S. presidential election. Matt prophesied that “change” was coming to the United States – “God’s change! For though you might see a “shaking and trembling” taking place over the land, know that God’s name will be glorified. “For the people who sit in darkness will see a great light…and they will come running to the light. This nation is My nation. It’s the hour of great awakening and God’s glory amid the great darkness.”

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