Thursday, January 1, 2009


Immediately after midnight New Year's Eve, we waited on the Lord.

"Waiting on the Lord" is an almost forgotten key in drawing closer to the Lord and hearing His heart regarding your life. Simply put, you put yourself simply before Him. You have worship music on. You pray in the Spirit. You listen. And then you ... wait. Wait for the Lord to begin speaking to you.

Here's what my friend Matt Sorger got this night:

I call you sons. I call you daughters.

For you longed to know my ways and you've longed to know my heart. This is the place where you learn my ways. This is the place where you know my heart.

There’s a washing that happens in this place. It's a washing off of things that keep you from me, that hold you back. I draw you close to Me.

My plan is greater than the plan the enemy has for you. My work in you is a glorious work and I’ll bring it to completion.

I call you my own. You don’t belong to the world, you belong to Me. My ways are higher, My thoughts are higher. You’ve been distracted by many things. Lay it all at My feet tonight.

Return to the secret place. I will crown you with My glory. This is where I want you to live – close to My heart, close to My heart, close to My heart!

You were created to live close to My heart. There’s freedom in My presence.

The Holy Spirit says I am fighting for all of you tonight. For the enemy has sought to take you out. Know that this very night I am raising up a standard for you. I’m fighting for all of you. There’s a new day ahead for you. Old things need to be let go of, released, walked away from.

There’s a new day I’m bringing you to – a day of great release, power and surrender. But you need to let go of things. Will you let go? As you let go you’ll find that I have more for you. You have not reached the highest place yet. Will you let go of the things I want you to? If you release them, there’s more for you. I’m waiting for your obedience. I'm waiting for your full surrender. There’s more that I have for you. There’s a walk I’ve called you to walk. It’s a different walk. It’s not a path that a lot of people go on – few will go on it.

Tonight I call you to go up higher – but the higher you go, the narrower the path becomes. There are few who desire to walk on this path. But I have a higher path for you. There’s more that I want to show you and give you. The narrower the path, the tighter the restrictions, but I have placed them there for a reason. The narrower the path, the firmer the foundation of your feet. The more secure footing you’ll have. There are some that have desired to come close to Me, but they have drawn back because they thought the price was too great. Some came close, but have drawn back. I’ve showed you this mountain before. The higher you go, the less you can take with you. The higher you go, the less you can take with you. Are you willing to surrender? Are you willing to obey Me even when it’s hard. Obedience is not easy. There’s a wrestling that goes on inside you – a wrestling of your will with My will. There’s a place where you can go – it’s called surrender. It’s called obedience. But within your hands I will place a great anointing – greater than you’ve ever experienced up till now. For you will be my surrendered vessels, My obedient vessels, My instruments.

{Incidentally, just before this exchange from the Lord, one among our group saw a large angel in the room, wearing a helmet, breastplate and sword. This would fall in line with what the Lord said about "fighting for you."}

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