It is time for Christians to show "love for their neighbor" by preserving Judeo-Christian ethics in this land. It is the only ethic that can save a nation.
Newt Gingrich, in his new book entitled, " TO SAVE AMERICA, Stopping Obama's Secular-Socialist Machine," offers some important guidelines for Christians to engage in the public arena to preserve the eroding culture.
- Pray -- for our nation and its leaders, that God will continue to pour out his blessings on America.
- Register to vote.
- Learn about the issues, especially those that threaten religious liberty.
- Learn the religious liberty positions and records of elected officials and candidates for office.
- Vote in every election. No candidate will agree with you on every issue, every time, but vote for the candidates who most closely represent your views.
- Use your influence to educate and persuade others about the importance of protecting religious liberty, encourage them to run for office (hmm?).
- If you have leadership ability and want to fight to protect freedom, consider running for office yourself (double hmm!).
- If you are concerned that a measure in Congress, your state house, or county or town board will adversely impact religious liberty, tell your elected representatives how you want them to vote.
- When you see or experience an encroachment on religious freedom, write a letter to the editor or an opinion article for your local paper, or call talk radio. If you don't speak up, maybe no one will. But if you do, you can frame the debate and help get good legislation passed and bad legislation defeated.
- Organize a voter registration drive at your church.