Friday, February 25, 2011


Newt Gingrich makes a good case for impeachment against Pres Barack Obama because of his recent rejection of defending the law (specifically the "Defense of Marriage Act" -- that's the law that declares that marriage is between a man and a woman).

In an article in Newsmax, Newt says “Clearly it is a dereliction of duty and a violation of his constitutional oath and is something that cannot be allowed to stand.”

Indeed, imagine any other president coming along and just arbitrarily citing which laws he was going to adhere by and which ones he would not. Remember they already came into office swearing on a bible, affirming that they would uphold the laws of the land.

Suppose he decided that defending the nation against terrorism wasn't his cup of tea anymore. Which come to think of it, he may have been doing already by rejecting the war on terrorism, dismissing any clear threat from Islamic terrorists and by handling all such terrorist defendants in civilian courts.

Continuing Newt said that his decision sets a “very dangerous precedent” that must not be allowed to stand. I agree.

There was another issue as well. Do you remember when Obama sued the state of Arizona over the state's attempt to enforce the federal illegal immigration laws?

What? In this wildly illogical scenario, Arizona was actually trying to follow the federal law by protecting its borders against illegal immigrants and the U.S. government sued that state!

That may have been unconstitutional as well.

Sidenote here: Speaking about "dereliction of duty," what about those democratic lawmakers in Wisconsin fleeing the state and their duties in order to not pass legislation that they want no part of.

What is happening to our elected politicians? -- specifically our leftist-democratic officials? They are creating a political culture of immoral and unethical behavior, such as we've never seen before.

We are in desperate need of a tidal-wave change in our leadership -- we must have a new breed of political leadership that values our constitution and Judeo-Christian heritage, with convictions of right and wrong, wisdom and folly, righteousness and evil.

But getting back to the impeachment: I'm not at all for impeachment, but I would hope that presidents and all elected officials would uphold the laws of the land. That's what they were elected to do.

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