Sunday, September 6, 2009

Van Jones Out! Media Should Follow!

Do you know who Van Jones is?

If you've been following the news via the traditional news outlets: NBC, CBS, ABC, The New York Times -- you wouldn't know who he is.

An avowed Marxist and Communist, black nationalist and supporter of cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, a supporter of the 9-11 Truther movement (which believes that 9-11 was caused by the US government) and one who desires to bring a communist approach to his policies as Obama-appointed Green Jobs Czar, this is Van Jones.

Van Jones' history and condemning remarks, caught on camera, are well documented. FoxNews' Glenn Beck has been foremost is covering this astonishing appointment and the controversial positions he holds. Here is one of the many segments from YouTube detailing Van Jones' controversial agenda.

You might say that FoxNews' disclosure of Van Jones' history single-handedly brought about Van Jones' resignation last night.

Now the traditional news media is in a quandary. I'm hope they'll report about his resignation; but, up until now, they haven't detailed Van Jones' controversies at all! See here. Isn't that astonishing?

But why hasn't the traditional news outlets been following this big story? It's actually because of their liberal leanings and bias in support of this administration at all costs. It seems that they won't report on things that devastatingly tarnishes this administration, even when certain unreported facts would severely impact the traditions and underpinning democracy of this nation. This is why the traditional news media is losing credibility and audience.

Could the liberal media please resign as well.

Here FoxNews assesses the lack of media coverage of this hot story.

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